Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Today's News

TNA star cleared:

Crimson has been cleared of domestic violence charges against his wife.

WWE star quits:

Alberto Del Rio has quit WWE. He told WWE 60 days ago that he would be using his opt out contract clause, as he was frustrated his promised World title run was not forthcoming, and he did not enjoy being a part of a mid card faction earlier in the year.

The decision has nothing to do with his current ban, as he gave his notice over a month before the suspension. There is no word on Paige's future.


Randy Orton vs Bray Wyatt is official for Backlash. It was confirmed last night. The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler for the IC title was also booked.


Rhyno needed 8 stitches to close a cut to his face last night.

Jay Lethal:

Jay Lethal says Kevin Nash came up with his TNA gimmick 'Black Machismo'.

Owen Owens:

Kevin Owens wife posted a video of their son Owen reacting to his dad's title win last night on Instagram. It is awesome, go check it out!.

An ESPN host, for reasons known only to him, took offense to the video, and hit out at it, and is (Deservedly?!) taking a kicking on Twitter for it.

Second wedding:

Rusev and Lana are heading to Bulgaria for their private second wedding this week, and will not be at Raw next week.

Eva rebels:

All red Eva is not red any more. She has dyed her hair black.

Drax Shadow:

Stardust super-fan Drax Shadow has had awful news. His fourth cancer battle was already his toughest yet, and doctors say this time it will beat him. The tumours are moving into his brain, and he has been given 6-12 months of life left to live. His family want to give him one more of his wishes, to take him to Hawaii. They have set up a GoFundMe to try to raise funds.

ESPN feature wrestler impersonator:

Not everyone at ESPN is anti wrestling / anti children. They shared videos of a 4 year old boy that has gone viral on YouTube by doing impressions of WWE stars.

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