Friday, August 5, 2016

Today's News

Barrett returning:

Wade Barrett will make his first post WWE wrestling appearance this month. He will be guest of honour at Retro Wrestling.


Cody Rhodes is in Canada to film an appearance on his old rival Stephen Amell's show 'Arrow'.

Jinder Mahal:

Jinder Mahal has worked one of his last indie gigs before returning to WWE. He wrestled Colt Cabana at a charity show.

WrestleMania match confirmed:

Big Show has confirmed he will wrestle Shaq at WrestleMania 33, and that he is looking forward to his retirement following, not long after. He called his current WWE status his waving goodbye tour, and said he wants to get to as many places as possible to do so.

Daniel Bryan reveals negative about brand split:

Daniel Bryan says the brand split is not winning complete support from the roster, as talent have seen a cut in their wage packet. He added that in the long run it will be for the best...

"It's interesting because some of them don't like it because everyday that you're on the road and not working, you don't get paid, so you're spending money and not getting paid. So it just becomes like a, 'okay, so now I'm making less money, but spending the same amount of being on the road and that sort of thing'. But pretty soon, we're going to start doing SmackDown live events on Monday nights, the same night as RAW, so then that's going to even out a bit. And I think that extra day on the road at home makes a huge difference. I mean, there's a huge difference between leaving on Friday and coming home on Wednesday and leaving on Saturday and coming home on Wednesday or leaving on Friday and coming home on Tuesday. So I think it's going to be better for the health of everybody."

Rhodes / Angle 2:

Cody Rhodes and Kurt Angle will meet for a second time, this time in the UK, later this year.

WWE man at movie premiere:

Zack Ryder represented WWE at the premiere of 'Sausage Party' last night.

CWC man not ready for WWE:

Zack Sabre Jr is apparently not going to accept any offer from WWE ''For the time being''. He has other goals outside of WWE he wants to achieve first. This may mean the one time favourite for the trophy will not win it, as the winner is expected to be the first Cruiserweight champ on Raw.

Sasha Banks:

Sasha Banks was married over the weekend. A friend posted a picture of her day to social media.


Ryback is no longer a WWE star. He wished the promotion well in their future endeavors, before announcing his contract has finally expired. He had been on hiatus since falling out with WWE earlier in the summer.


Mick Foley has invited Daniel Bryan to Raw next week, he has accepted.

Dreamer opts out:

Tommy Dreamer has confirmed he will not accept the offer WWE made him to return to the roster...

"Rumors are true. They kind of grouped a bunch of people together and, so far, a lot of those rumors have come out. Yes, WWE has reached out to me. I was actually scheduled to be at the Draft and then, Dreamer's travel subject to change, they switched it on me. The week before, I was there. They were in Michigan. I was visiting my family in Michigan. On a lovely 23 days on the road, I got to see my family for half­-a-­second in Michigan. They've offered me a contract and I really have so many commitments to my own company as well as the charities and to other shows, I can't sign a contract. And I told them I will do just like I did with the Wyatts, in the sense of I was not under contract when I wrestled that whole time back in WWE. I love WWE, but I just can't sign a contract right now. My life, and I can't give up on my own company, so I basically had to say 'Thank you. If you want me to come in, then I will do the best to my abilities in all that I do, but if not, that's cool. Hope we can still be friends'. So that's where we're at."

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