Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Today's News


Alexa Bliss had her first main roster match last night, she beat Becky Lynch.

Rock movie in trouble:

The Rock's outburst yesterday was aimed at Vin Diesel. Rock butted heads with Diesel, the star of 'Fast 8' as his production of the film did not sit well. The tension on set today ground filming to a halt, and led to a clear the air meeting between the two men, however the whole cast are angry with the Rock for causing so many issues, and making filming almost impossible.

The talks did not succeed, as Vin Diesel walked off set, shouting ''Daddy's gone.'' (He is said to refer to himself as daddy on set, as he is a stalwart of the movie franchise).

Terri talks Marlena:

Terri Runnels has recalled the creation of her WWE gimmick...

"When I came up with the character of Marlena, I was laying in the tanning bed in our home in Stockbridge, Georgia. Dustin's on the road. I'm there with Dakota and absolutely loving being a mommy. It's not like I was saying, 'God, I've got to get out of this house - I can't do this'. I was happier than a pig in poop. But also, I'm a very creative person and I think it's very easy for me to stand back and look at something with an overall view and say 'there's a deficit there, that needs that, okay, this needs the addition of this component or that' and I was doing the same things." Terri added, "Marlena was born in that one tanning bed session in my house and the weekend before that, I had been to my sister's. And she collected these high end Barbie dolls and Bob Mackie, who used to design all of Cher's dresses and Carol Burnett's, he designed this Barbie doll, a limited edition, and the Barbie doll's name was Sun Goddess. And that image, that visual, was what I saw for Marlena. And then, of course, I told Vince that I wanted either a glass of wine or a cigar that I enjoyed smoking to be a part of the character and we decided that the cigar would make more sense. And so it all just came to be."


Chris Jericho is considering hosting a wrestling / rock music cruise, and is asking fans if they would go on it.

Brit to debut:

Will Ospreay will make his ROH debut in the UK in November.

New title:

WWE have confirmed the Cruiserweight championship is returning. The belt will likely be presented to the winner of the Cruiser Classic.

TNA land hot new star:

TNA are teasing the debut of one of wrestling's hottest free agents, based on a Twitter comment from Damien Sandow, it seems he may be that star. His no compete from WWE ended over the weekend and he has wasted little time in finding new employment, if this is the case.

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