Saturday, August 20, 2016

Today's News

Bell tolls for WWE:

Kane, Big Show and Miz rang the closing bell at the NYSE today.

Reason for strange spot:

Dolph Ziggler vs The Miz in chicken suits was apparently taped as a TV ad for a chicken sandwich brand.

Dolph debut:

Dolph Ziggler has been given a regular presenter spot on Fox Business.

Orton reveals hero:

Randy Orton says he grew up ''Idolising'' Jake The Snake Roberts.

Brock vs Bill 2:

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman went to Goldberg's WWE games event in New York last night. A number of the roster also attended, some taking the time to meet Goldberg, however a teased face off between Bill and Brock did not come to pass. He did though throw out a challenge...

"If Bill Goldberg has the balls to get back into the ring with me, let's go."

Eva Marie:

Eva Marie says she was banned for using a prescribed medication, the same drug that caused Roman Reigns to be banned. She also says she plans to appeal the 30 days ban.

WWE are apparently testing more, hoping to catch some people out, to try to deflect their ignoring of Brock Lesnar's UFC fails.

If she really thinks they are going to let her off with something they banned their top guy for, she is facing a surprise in her near future. Just do your time, and learn from it!.

Cody returns:

Cody Rhodes WWE no compete ended last night, and he is back in action on the indie scene. His first post WWE match was for Evolve. He lost to Chris Hero.

ROH title change::

Adam Cole ended Jay Lethal's long ROH title reign at their special last night.

NXT Brooklyn:

Tonight is NXT Brooklyn 2, I will be doing a live comm on SWP and Twitter, so, if you fancy having a chat about the show as it happens, that's where I'll be.

Lesnar takes side:

Brock Lesnar has taken the side of WWE in the feud with UFC man Conor McGregor. He says he has taken bigger sh!ts than the Irishman, and challenged him to come to WWE, to see if he can cut it.

Nikki names favourite match:

Nikki Bella says her title defense vs Paige on the final Raw before Mania 31 is her personal favourite bout of hers.

WWE outreach:

WWE stars hosted a hire heroes event in New York today.

McMahon names book:

Stephanie McMahon's book is called ''Unreal.''

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