Saturday, August 6, 2016

Today's News

Big E.:

WWE say Big E. has a groin contusion, the injury is kayfabe.

NXT Brooklyn:

Dash & Dawson vs Johnny Gargano & Tomasso Ciampa will be confirmed for NXT Brooklyn soon, the Tag straps will be on the line.

Ricky Steamboat talks career regret:

He says he wanted to turn heel in WWE...

"Pat (Patterson) simply told me that it would probably ruin my career... I just wanted to experience what it felt like on the other side of the fence. As we all know, the heels have the most fun out there in the ring."

British TV star wants WWE career:

Adam Maxted of reality show 'Love Island' says he has long harboured ambitions to join WWE...

"I said to myself that there was no way I was going to risk my future and my dream - no matter how good looking the girl was or how much there was a connection or how much I wanted to do it. My dream is to be in the WWE and it's such a child-based market so I wasn't ever going to ruin my chances of getting onto that because I'd had sex on TV."

DVD named:

Randy Orton's set will be called "Randy Orton: RKO Outta Nowhere."

Total Divas:

The cast of TD are in the Caribbean filming for their show (Photo).

Bayley tags in:

Sasha Banks has pulled out of a comic con this month, Bayley will substitute.

UFC star calls out WWE:

Conor McGregor was asked about the possibility of a cross over event between WWE and UFC, and was not keen on the idea...

"For the most part, those WWE guys are pussies. They're messed up pussies if you ask me."

He said the only exceptions were Triple H, The Rock and the McMahon family.

Bret vs Rollins:

Bret Hart has again attacked Seth Rollins over injuries he inflicted on John Cena and Sting. He claims he thought Seth had killed Cena...

"He knees him the face so hard, and so recklessly, and so dangerously. He could easily kill somebody with a knee like that to the face. The best wrestlers don't hurt anyone for real. I wrestled 23 straight years all over the world. My greatest boast is I never hurt one single wrestler in my career. The safety of my opponent was critical to me. He did things to a guy that kind of ended his career a lot faster. It was disrespectful and you need to take care of a guy like Sting in the ring.''

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