Thursday, August 11, 2016

Today's News

Foley apologises:

Mick Foley has apologised to two of his Raw stars...

''I just finished watching Monday's WWE Raw match between Cesaro and Sheamus, and was so impressed with the intensity and physicality that I feel like I need to offer both men an apology. I want to stress that I LOVE being the Raw GM, but if there is a drawback, it is that when pulled in so many directions during the course of the show, I do not get to concentrate completely on every match in the ring. Had I seen this match in its entirety as it aired live, I would have gone out of my way to praise it when Cesaro entered the ring during my in-ring talk with Daniel Bryan - much as I had praised the commentary on the #CruiserweightClassic of Mauro Ranallo and Daniel Bryan earlier in the segment. I really do think wrestling fans recognize sincerity when they see or hear it - and they appreciate it. It may seem like a minor point, but sometimes it's the little things added up that make a difference in building WWE Superstars to their fullest potential. So I apologize to both these men, and make a promise to everyone that I will try to recognize my shortcomings as GM - and work on them - so that I can do the best job possible best each and every week.''

Patterson on WWE duty:

Pat Patterson will host a book signing of his WWE published biography in Montreal today.

Ryback reveals argument that led to his WWE departure:

Ryback says he objected to WWE asking him to drop his singlet, in favour of trunks. He claims he challenged Vince on the matter personally, and was called a ''Meathead.'' He further states that this led to him being buried on TV, until he had had enough, and walked away.

He has also announced he is charging $4,500 for indie appearances, and is in talks with NJPW, but cannot join until his no compete expires in late October. 

TNA Takeover:

Austin Aries and Bobby Roode have been given singles matches at the pre SummerSlam NXT special. Austin vs No Way Jose, and Roode will get Andrade.


Damien Sandow has signed for TNA, and will debut tonight.

WWE, in a possible bid to steal some of their thunder, possibly wishing him well, posted a match he had vs Randy Orton in 2013 to social media.


The Rock will be finishing up his scenes on 'Fast 8' today, and will leave behind a lingering resentment towards his online outburst against co-star Vin Diesel. The fall out brought filming to a stop yesterday, with Diesel walking off set, after clear the air talks failed.

The situation was bad because, while Vin had the support of the cast, The Rock had the crew firmly in his corner.

Rock defended his actions today, saying he is passionate about putting out the best product possible for the fans of the franchise, and he and the rest of the cast agreed on that, if little else.

WCW man sues WWE:

Buff Bagwell is taking WWE to court. He wants royalties for his appearances on their Network. He claims he is owed 5% of all proceeds from WCW PPV events, aired, or sold on DVD.

Vince stays home:

Vince McMahon is two weeks into a four week break. He has not been at the past two weeks TV's, and will not return until SummerSlam, but is still having his say, wanting to know all plans, down to the minutiae, before he signed off on shows going live.

Brock Lesnar:

Brock Lesnar's hearing regarding his UFC drugs fails will be on August 23.

Biggest wankers:

Seth Rollins announced himself and Chris Jericho as the ''Biggest wankers'' in the arena, before a show in Australia last night... not sure he knows what that means... but... woops!!!.

WWE at the Olympics:

Mark Henry is representing WWE at the Olympic games in Rio, Brazil.

WWE angles:

Stephanie McMahon says WWE are committed to promoting LGBT. She also added that plans are in place to introduce LGBT characters and stroylines, and that she has had members of GLAAD working with the creative team to help with the angles.

Steiner wants WWE role:

Scott Steiner says he wants to be a character on the next WWE game.

Support a legend:

RVD is asking fans to help fund Sabu's hip surgery. He has set up this GoFundMe.

Hardy talks TNA survival:

Matt Hardy was the guest of Chris Jericho this week, and he shared his view on what TNA must do if they want to make it...

"They have to find some sort of identity. They have had an identity issue, I think, for a long, long time because now professional wrestling has been engulfed under McMahon's show and McMahon is above and beyond everything else and anything else that seems so similar to McMahon's show is going to end up coming off like a second rate copy. And I think it's very important and very vital for Impact Wrestling to find their way, find their own identity. And my broken universe is something different that has never been seen anywhere else before. I can tell you this: my broken universe, Mr. McMahon, would be terrified of it. He would be afraid to let me go there. He wouldn't let me shoot the fireworks on his show or he wouldn't let me burn up my brother, Nero. But it is time to go to a different place, a different time, and that is what Impact Wrestling must do to succeed. That is the only way TNA can truly grow, is to find it's own identity."

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