Saturday, August 13, 2016

Today's News

Triple H shares his belief in the future of NXT:

"When we did the draft, I got a lot of questions like, 'Well, doesn't this spell doom for NXT? Isn't this kind of what's wrong, what's inherently flawed in the system, when you create something that is great, Vince is going to want to take it, or the company is going to want to take it and put it on the biggest platform possible?' I feel the exact opposite way. That's why I'm building talent -- it's to make them as successful and popular as possible. (Some have) gone from NXT, but we're still selling out Brooklyn in the Barclays Center, just with a different crop of people. We're selling out Brooklyn now with Shinsuke Nakamura and Samoa Joe, and Asuka and Bayley. It's totally different."

KO pops for NXT man:

"If I were able to pick somebody to wrestle so a lot of people get to see them maybe for the first time and they get more recognition, it would be Dillinger. There are lot of guys in NXT who deserve the spotlight but I think he is one of the best guys we have, not just in NXT but in WWE as a whole. Some of the guys in NXT haven't wrestled for long and some of them haven't wrestled at all but Dillinger has been doing this for a long time. If there is someone on the roster they can look up to it is him - he is fantastic; a great wrestler and a great person in and out of the ring."

C-Mc back with smack:

Conor McGregor has again attacked WWE. This time John Cena took the brunt of his abuse, but he still rounded upon the roster as a whole too...

"They're dweebs, what's the main guy? John Cena. He's 40, he's 40 years of age. He's walking around in a illuminous orange t-shirt and a headband talking about no one can see him. We can see him right there, he's a big fat 40 year old failed Mr. Olympia motherf--ker! They're dweebs, those guys!."

He however was less than enthusiastic about accepting challenges that have gone his way from the stars of wrestling, telling them to either go to MMA, or meet him in the street...

"Like I said, no disrespect to the Dons of the game. I mean Vinny Mac's a f--king legend. They wrote Vinny Mac a couple of years ago, then he rose back up and he's back in the billionaires club. What he's been able to do with that bunch of dweebs he has over there at the moment has been phenomenal and I respect him for that. And then of course, the old G's of the game - The Rock, Stone Cold - they're all cool mother f--kers. Even Ric Flair's a cool mother f--ker... but that new age of those guys are absolute dweebs... it ain't trash talk, it's true talk!."

It seems to me that there is more to this than they are letting on, either he is going to be turning up in WWE (SummerSlam?) soon, or he is just a special kind of stupid... for someone who is so unimpressed with the sport, it seems he spends a lot of his time fixating and obsessing over it.

Brutus The Barber talks WWE return / future:

"It was great and we (Edge and Christian) had a ball. We worked on a Friday and I had flown in on a Thursday and we worked for a couple of hours and knocked it out fast. Afterwards, I got to tour the facility and went around the building and got to see some old friends there that I hadn't seen in close to 25 years. You definitely haven't seen the end of me there. I just did a where are they now segment that won't be out for a little while but they came down here and filmed me at my home and I filmed stuff at Raw at a Raw show they did down in Tampa (and they had a really big house) and there is going to be a lot coming in the future and they've got some plans for Brutus. They sought me out. One of the main reasons why is because of the toy companies and the people who want the legends and the older guys and all of the superstars of wrestling from the past. There are not too many of us left and that is the one big problem, there are so few guys and real main eventers that even have anything to do with the business or are still involved."

Strowman heartbroken:

Braun Strowman says he is saddened that WWE broke him from the other Wyatt Family members...

"Bray and I have had a special connection, I think, ever since we met. He kind of wanted me since the first time he saw me because him and I, in real life, it's almost scary how much we are alike. He calls me Evil Windham because I pretty much do all the stuff he doesn't do, which is nothing really. But he wanted me since day one and he was ecstatic when he found out, 'here, we're going to give you this guy and I know you've been wanting him, so let's see what happens.'"

WWE tour:

A New Zealand school made the news this week. They have painted a mural of John Cena on their wall.


Ryback has launched a weekly podcast.


WWE have pulled the charity music concert scheduled for this Thursday.

Online feud result:

Vader beat Will Ospreay last night, in a match that started as a Twitter spat.

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