Thursday, August 18, 2016

Today's News

WWE ban two:

Paige and Eva Marie have joined Alberto Del Rio in being sent home for 30 days for wellness fails. Eva has been pulled from her SummerSlam match as a result.

News of Paige's ban came just hours after her real world partner Alberto Del Rio, leading to a lot of online speculation about the couples futures. It was speculated that Del Rio's ban is kayfabe, to allow him to quietly leave his WWE deal in September, Paige's ban following so closely has now furthered that talk.


Ember Moon will face Billie Kay in Brooklyn later this week.

TNA veteran quits?:

James Storm says he is leaving TNA again, after a backstage fallout, and will soon be teaming with his old friend (Booby Roode in NXT) again. This may be kayfabe.

Heat on champ:

WWE are mad at Dean Ambrose for his Stone Cold podcast appearance. Not for giving controversial answers, but for not praising Vince McMahon, Triple H and the creative team enough.

TNA on TV:

Jesse Godderz will be on Big Brother this week.

Show talks heat for gay Hogan / Savage joke:

"I got in trouble one time. Hogan, Hulkster, used to have a plane after Nitros because of the Turner deal and he flew back to Tampa because he told WCW, 'I've got to cook the kids breakfast every morning'. So he left Monday afternoons, wrestled, and went home Monday night, so after Nitros I would get a ride to Tampa. Me, him, and Savage, and another wrestler, Brian Adams, who was a dear friend of mine. He used to be Crush in WWE. Well, Brian's a smart ass. He passed away, but he was a real smart ass and an instigator, a stirrer. I used to do an impersonation of Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage in a romantic relationship. I do the impersonations and Brian says, 'oh, you've got to do that for Hulk and Randy, man. They'll love it!' So I was like, 'really?'. He goes, 'dude, just do it on the plane tonight. They'll like it.' So we're sitting on the plane. It's a small plane, so there's Hulk, there's Randy, there's Brian, there's me, and we're sitting real close in front of each other and Brian looks at me and gives me the wink. And I'm a dumbass rookie, so what do I do? 'Whatcha gonna do, Macho, when the largest python in the world comes for you, brother?' 'Ooh yeah, Hulkster. Go to infinity and beyond. Give me the beef, Hulkster.' And believe me, I'm cleaning it up for radio. The version I did was really, really raunchy. And then, I stopped. I had a big grin on my face, and, I mean, I'm getting a dead stare from Hulk, a dead stare from Randy. Brian looks at me and goes, 'oh, I can't believe you did that'. Completely through me under the bus! And then, the next week, the pilot, Captain Ron, comes and says 'hey, Giant, I just want to let you know that there are a lot of turbulence going home this week, so if you don't mind, can you catch a commercial flight tomorrow because we're concerned about the weight' and I'm like, 'yeah, yeah, yeah, no problem'. So it's like two months, I was kicked off the plane ride home."

Renee injury:

Renee Young has not broken her ankle. Tests with her doctor revealed a nasty sprain. She suffered the injury at this weeks TV's.

Hogan completes the 3 count:

Hulk Hogan has killed Gawker. The website will close down next week, after losing a multi million $ case against the WWE Hall of Famer.

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