Sunday, August 7, 2016

Today's News

No return for Shelton:

Shelton Benjamin has announced, via social media, that he is no longer returning to WWE. He says he is sad about the decision he has made, but feels he needs to take a break from wrestling, to get surgery on a shoulder injury. He later tweeted he has torn a rotator cuff, and that it was WWE medics that told him how bad the injury was. He had been working in pain for some time.


UFC star Conor McGregor has been getting a ton of heat from wrestling fans for his comments yesterday. He has kind of apologised to fans, but...

''I didn't mean no disrespect to the @wwe fans. What I meant to say was that I'd slap the head off your entire roster. And twice on Sunday's.''

Wrestling stars have also responded, including WWE Alum MVP who mocked him with...

''The way Nate Diaz Stockton slapped you or nah?.''

Roman Reigns said...

''Your the size of my leg. Shut up.''

And Kurt Angle replied...

''Very funny little guy. Why don't you get your head out of Dana White's ass.''


''So much talk for a guy who fights 15 min matches twice a year...... Good for you Conor McGaiver.''

Chris Jericho...

''Sorry pal no disrespect to u, but my fights are legit, unlike the fixed fights u have in @UFC. I’ll embarrass u. ''

Ric Flair...

''Coming from a guy who built a career copying my persona, I expected the type of class we get from Ronda or Anderson. After Diaz finishes you again, I dare you to try guys like Dolph, Brock, or Fit. Oh you're welcome for your gimmick.''

Baron Corbin...

''I beg to differ kid.''

Bill DeMott...

''Maybe I'm late to the party........what weight class and what size locker room is being called out.''

AJ Styles...

''I think McGregor could do well in the featherweight division......if the WWE had one.''


''Never show a Jack Russell a mirror. It thinks it's a majestic Irish Wolfhound. Really, just an annoying wee yapper trying to sell tickets.''

Kofi Kingston...

''Yikes, looks like @TheNotoriousMMA could really use a bowl of Booty O's right about now. Someone hook him up...''

Big E...

''Would you prefer to find us individually or have us all line up at once? I know your time is valuable, sir. ''

Bubba Dudley...

''I would pay good $$ to see @RealKurtAngle STRETCH THE PISS outta @TheNotoriousMMA and make him tap.''

Sasha Banks...

''Bring it.''

Curtis Axel...

''Hey @TheNotoriousMMA, cool name by the way. U think u could slap my head off? Come try me! I'd mop ur sorry ass!.''

Jonathan Coachman...

''Remember what I always say smart dudes know what is good for business.''

Colter vs Trump:

Zeb Colter says he is mad at Donald Trump for using his ''We the people'' line on the campaign trail. He added however that he continues to support him for the presidency.

HOF'er advises Rock:

Jesse Ventura has told The Rock not to bother with his political ambitions...

"I would tell Dwayne Johnson don't bother with it. You have a phenomenal career in Hollywood. Why would you want to go into politics? Ride the Hollywood horse until it falls. Are you kidding me? Politics, he can't earn near the money he's making. Unless he just truly wants to make a difference I guess. But, Dwayne's a very talented man, no doubt about it. And I would encourage him not to waste it in the political arena."

Spirit Squad:

Kenny of the Spirit Squad has revealed a backstage producer lied to keep his secret regarding his too young age when he signed for WWE...

"The only one who knew was Dr. Tom. It was WrestleMania XX, I was a druid in Madison Square Garden. After the show, John Laurinaitis was like, 'Hey. Would you be willing to move to Louisville?' I was like yeah, sure! 'Can you go there next week?'. I was like, I need to finish school. He was like, 'What do you mean finish school? What are you going to school for? How old are you?' I said I just turned 18. He said, 'You JUST turned 18?' I said yeah. 'You've been working for me for two years, what do you mean you just turned 18?!' I said, well I'm legal now. I graduate in June, how about I move there after I graduate. He said 'Well. I'll think about it. I don't know if I want to hire you.' I said, you just wanted to hire me right now! He's like, 'We'll talk about it.' So then he never said much about it. He just called me halfway through May, I was still in school, and sent me a contract. So I actually got my contract at the end of May, before I even graduated. I graduated June 4th, and then June 7th I moved to Louisville."

He also revealed the original line up of the group, and that one member refused to do it...

"The Spirit Squad thing came about when I was on the road and there was no set direction or anything. So I was doing house shows for like a month, two months. And then we were in Cincinnati and they called up a bunch of the other guys. It was me, Nick (Dolph Ziggler), Mitchell, Elijah Burke they called up, and they called up Johnny Jeter. They were like, you're gonna have a meeting with Vince. So we were in there with Vince, and Taz was in the back, and Vince was like I want to have five male cheerleaders. Taz looked at us like what'd he just say? I didn't really care, but I thought it was a joke at first, so I was like okay, sure. Then, he was like, 'Yeah. That's it. Get outta here.' And we were like, okay? Is he being serious? He wants us to be male cheerleaders? I went back to Massachusetts for the holiday, and I found these green Adidas basketball jump suits, and they had five of them. So we really picked out our own outfits and everything. Then we started doing vignettes. I guess Elijah Burke called them and said he couldn't do the gimmick. He said, I can't do it. I just won't be able to do it, I wouldn't be able to pull it off, and I'll hold everybody down. Which, granted, they say in the world of wrestling to never say you can't do something, but in all honesty, if he really thought he couldn't do it, then that's good that he was honest because it could have held us down. It could have held him down in the end. You never know what direction it could have went."

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