Monday, August 15, 2016

Today's News

Raw tease:

  • Lesnar to address The Viper
  • Can Roman Reigns spoil Rusev's night yet again?
  • Seth Rollins to deconstruct The Demon King
  • How will The New Day retaliate against Gallows & Anderson?
  • Do cheaters like Titus O'Neil and Darren Young prosper?
  • Charlotte goes solo

CM Punk:

CM Punk's documentary, following his transition from wrestling to MMA, will debut tonight.

Sign contest:

WWE are having a best fan sign contest at SummerSlam.

Daniel Bryan confesses struggle with new role:

"The hardest part actually is not the task of being the GM, it's moreso being around wrestling and not being able to actually wrestle. That's the hardest part. The other stuff is .... I feel like I'm not the greatest general manager in the history of general managers, but I do OK and I'm learning as I go. I try to just do my best with it."

WWE poll:

WWE have asked their fans who should become a HOF'er first. The results are...

  • John Cena 54%
  • Batista 24%
  • Brock Lesnar 12%
  • Randy Orton 10%

That list is upside down if you ask me...


Mojo Rawley suffered deep bruising to his leg last week.


Darren Young is doing Jiu-Jitsu training.

Whose next?:

Goldberg will be in New York for SummerSlam week. He is promoting the WWE video game.

HBK returns to WWE full time:

Shawn Michaels has moved to Florida to be the PC's ''Finishers coach.'' Terry 'Red Rooster' Taylor did do that job, but recently had neck surgery, and has been replaced by the show stopper.

WWE vs Cody:

Cody Rhodes has revealed that WWE took his WWE Network subscription off him when he left the company, but also confesses that he is still using the channel. He says he has Cesaro's log in info, and ''Borrows'' his account.

WWE promotions:

Adam Pearce and Sara Amato will be promoted to the full roster after SummerSlam. They will join the production team.

Power problems:

The power went off in the arena before Raw. A lightning strike hit the building. They have managed to get things fixed in time for the show.


WWE have had to pull an appearance from the Muppets at SummerSlam. A scheduling conflict has nixed the planned angle.

Punk responds to Conor McGregor trolling WWE:

''I wasn't surprised to see it. There are tough guys in wrestling but you don't have to be tough to be in the WWE locker room anymore. It's a different world and a different business from when I started and even from when I was last there. What shocked me the most was the number of people in WWE who responded and should have known better. They all got worked, including Ric Flair. I'm not harping on just WWE because non-WWE wrestlers fell for it too. Fighting on Twitter is embarrassing.''

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