Saturday, September 17, 2016

Today's News

Ryback talks Vince:

"Vince has that old school, tough guy persona. I have had many talks with him where he said, 'Well, they don't want to hear you talking about books.' Well, why not? I can go out there and talk about whatever I want. But when that red light goes on and I'm out there fighting, you're never going to question me. You're not going to go, 'What a dork, that guy reads books. What a sissy.' No, I kick ass."

WWE add cruisers:

WWE have added more cruiserweights to their roster. Cedric Alexander, Gran Metalik, Lince Dorado, Noam Dar and Rich Swann.

Noam Dar reveals first contact from WWE:

"If I'm 100% honest, I was playing FIFA at my mate's house. I was winning, just in case anyone wants to question my FIFA skills! My phone was in my bag, and it was the area code that gave it away that it was a legitimate call. I'm quite thankful I missed out on the initial call because me being the pessimist, I'd have just assumed it was one of my friends doing a prank call. It all happened almost out of nowhere, so it was quite a shock."

Linda on TV:

Linda McMahon is to present a show on public service TV. The show will be about American businesswomen.

Seth talks student death:

Seth Rollins school has released a statement on the death of one of their students...

''It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the passing of our student, Jonah Snyder. Jonah attended the first night of our 7th Black and Brave class a week ago. After briefly participating in fitness drills with his classmates he abruptly fell ill. Emergency personnel were called and Jonah was rushed to the hospital. He passed away en route. No cause of death has been determined. Jonah loved professional wrestling and in closing we wanted to leave you with his words. Below is an excerpt from the essay Jonah penned for his application to our school. All of our thoughts are with Jonah's family and friends as they go through this incredibly difficult time.'' "I live, breath, sleep, and eat wrestling. It's in my blood. I want to learn it so I can travel the world putting a smile on people's faces. I wanna give them hope or something to believe in."

Emma returns:

Emma returned to the road for WWE this weekend. She worked a match as a referee.

WWE star to wrestle wife:

Johnny Gargano married his indie star girl friend, Candice Le Rae, at Disney Land in California this week. They will spend their honeymoon wrestling each other on the indie scene next weekend. It will be Gargano's last match on the indies before he comes to WWE full time.

Cody talks future plans:

"I can't be specific exactly. But I think I made the list. If you look at the list, and at the top of the list, it wasn't prioritized the name thought of was Adam Cole. Adam Cole makes his home in Ring Of Honor and I'm a massive fan of Ring Of Honor. I drove up and down the road with Daniel Bryan and Cesaro and got to know Kevin Owens and my last few years with WWE those guys, their admiration for Ring Of Honor and what they were able to accomplish there built them to the level they were at in WWE. If you're on the list like Adam Cole I'm going to make the best efforts to get where you are and that doesn't exclude TNA or Ring Of Honor. If you look at TNA, there's all this stigma around them focussing on the business side when in reality the in-ring product they are delivering is of the highest quality. And you have these young guys. You're not just making it a haven for ex-WWE or broken down wrestlers. No. They are young and hungry and like I said if you're on the list I am going to make every effort to get where you're at. That might be Ring Of Honor, TNA, New Japan. Currently, I'm signed on to do Final Battle December 2 with Ring Of Honor at the Hammerstein Ballroom and it means the world to me to be heavily featured on the event. Just when they came out with the graphics alone it sure as hell means a lot to me so hopefully there will be more of that in the future."

WWE bid for TNA:

The New York Post claim that WWE and the owners of ROH have submitted bids for TNA. Billy Corgan is also trying to buy the rights to the promotion, from the three joint shareholders, the Carter family, Aroluxe, and the Fight network in Canada.

Edge reveals why he left WWE:

Edge said WWE's refusal to allow him to take any sort of physical abuse after his neck injury caused him to decide to move away from the sport...

"Like, 'if I'm going to show up, at least have me do something'. 'Nope, you can't'. 'Alright, then don't have me show up because why bother?' That's why I've kind of really distanced myself even from watching the product too much. It's like, 'well, I can't do it, if you want me to come back and cut a promo on all this stuff, it's like, I can't really further stuff along too much because there's no physical payoff. It's like nobody's going to get heat from attacking me because they're not allowed to attack me."

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