Thursday, September 15, 2016

Today's News

TNA star leaves:

Rebel has not come to terms on a new deal with TNA and the two sides have parted ways.


TJ Perkins won the WWE Cruiserweight Classic, the brand new Cruiserweight Championship and a spot on the official WWE roster, as a Raw star last night. He beat Gran Metalik in a predictable final, after both the two previous favourites for the competition, Zack Sabre and Kota Ibushi, refused permanent WWE deals, they both lost in the Semi's.

TJ, who may be better known for some as TNA's Manik,  was the name leaked yesterday.

HOF'er's daughter named:

Rachel Ellering, daughter of Paul, will be called Rachel Fazio in WWE.

Cesaro calls for move to be banned:

When asked if he would wrestle Samoa Joe after what happened to Tyson Kidd...

"Yes — maybe without the muscle buster. There's a couple of moves outlawed in the WWE, and I think that one maybe be added. But I wrestled Samoa Joe before, and why not again?"

Ryback talks DeMott abuse:

''I was psychologically broken down very early on. And, at that point in time, I didn't know how to turn those negatives into positives and it ate away. And a lot of things, it wasn't just me. A lot of people quit. A lot of people's wrestling careers came to an end through Deep South Wrestling. It just slowed me development down. I feel like, for a while, but, eventually, I got that all back and when I hit, I hit hard. So it was just one of those things. There were some negatives to that, but I was able to eventually turn them into positives, so I'm very thankful for it."

He also claimed WWE made promises to make him the next Brock Lesnar.

Vince McMahon:

Vince missed the PPV over the weekend because of his injury, but had surgery early this week, and was back at work just two days later.

Shelton Benjamin:

WWE are still interested in bringing Shelton Benjamin back after his six month injury lay-off.

WWE ready to move on Hogan:

WWE are testing the waters regarding Hulk Hogan. They aired a VT including the Hall Of Famer to see if the heat over his racial outbursts has died down last night.

WWE set to offer deal:

Nick Gwiazdowski was at Backlash as a fan, but WWE are interested in the NCAA winner. He however has Olympic ambitions for 2020 in Tokyo, but WWE are said to be prepared to wait, they are so impressed with him.

Shield reunion:

WWE have plans in place for a Shield reunion, possibly as early as Survivor Series or Royal Rumble.

Foley offends own announcer:

Corey Graves took offense at Mick Foley asking SmackDown announcers Daniel Bryan and Mauro Ranallo to come to Raw to call the cruiserweight matches on their show. He tweeted his GM...

''Yeah Mick. Do that. It's not like you have someone at the table already who knows what they're talking about.''

The Rock:

The Rock has started filming 'Jumanji' in Hawaii.

Zeb / Swagger take shot at WWE:

Zeb Colter says WWE could have booked his faction better, and one of his followers, Jack Swagger, re-tweeted his comment.

Titus O'Neil:

Titus O'Neil walked a group of children to school today, as part of a health drive in the States called ''The walking Bus.''


Rikishi is making a movie with David Otunga's wife Jennifer Hudson. Otunga is hanging around on set.

Bryan says he would have returned to the ring by now, if not for Brie:

"It's a very complex issue. If I was on my own, if I wasn't married, I would be like 'Yeah, when my contract is up. I'm gone.' Hell, I might even be wearing a mask at an independent show next week dressed up as star man, Because it's what I love to do. But, it becomes different when you have a wife and you're trying to have kids."

Becky detained:

Becky Lynch was stopped by TSA today because her bag tested positive for explosives.


Emma has apparently been cleared to return to WWE, and could be back on the road next week. She had tests this week at the TV's. She will be coming back much earlier than expected, as WWE believed her to be out for the rest of the year.

Pat Patterson:

Here is a WWE produced documentary on Pat Patterson, made to coincide with his biog coming out...

Zubaz return:

Mojo Rawley will represent WWE at a cancer fund-raiser charity fashion show, he says he plans on wearing a Zubaz suit.

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