Thursday, September 29, 2016

Today's News

TNA dead before this week is out?:

Billy Corgan is getting fed up with the stall from TNA over his takeover, and the ''Mess'' Dixie Carter is making of the situation. He says the company has had a ''For sale'' sign up for it's entire existence, but when it comes to be bought, for reasons known only to Carter, she is dragging her feet. He went on to warn TNA fans that the promotion is facing a major transformation before this week is over, and acknowledged for the first time that that very well could mean that the brand could come to an end this weekend, although he hopes it will be the start of a new era, under his management.

He says he feels, and worries about the futures of all the employees of the company, and is desperate to sort things out for them, but things must come to a head in the next 24-72 hours, one way or the other.

There is serious talk that if the deal is not done by tomorrow, the company would have to pull Bound For Glory from the weekend, and next weeks TV's, meaning they would be in breach of their contract with Pop, and could cost them their TV deal, that would be a deal breaker, and would almost certainly be the final nail in the coffin for the promotion.

Corgan did offer something for fans to hold on too, he said he has had to save the last three TV's at the last minute, due to financial issues, and is not surprised that things have come so close to the wire, and that he will work until the absolute last possible minute to tie things up, but could not confirm that the planned events for the next week would happen He says he, if no-one else, would be in Orlando on Sunday, possibly to make a statement to the fans about whether the event, and the promotion would go on, or to offically announce the doors are closed. He has also said today that he could not compete with WWE, if they were serious about buying the group.

In a less than positive note though, an un-named veteran of TNA has confirmed that he, and others, have been contacted to inform them their flights to BFG and next weeks events have been cancelled, and that funds for the PPV are not in place, just 48 hours from it happening.

In a final note, WWE may be pulling out again. They have been informed that they would take on the debt of the company if they bought it, and they are not going to be keeping the brand going to earn the losses back, they only want the tapes and some talent, so, another option may soon be taken away.

Dusty classic:

The second Dusty Rhodes tag tourney will have 16 teams in it, and will culminate at Takeover-Toronto, on the night before Survivor Series. Kota Ibushi is returning to WWE for the competition, he will team with Hideo 'Kenta' Itami.

Hardyz talk WWE returns:


"All the WWE stuff really depends on what happens between now and February with TNA. I just went out to Nashville and recorded six songs, and we're about to open a store that sells original art work, which is going to be huge. If it feels right and good, I don't see anything wrong with staying. When you commit to a WWE contract, you're committing to some serious time away from home. If it were under my terms, there might be a chance, but I'm really not sure. Of course it would be nice, but what we're doing right now is so much fun. I don't want to go back to WWE and burn out within four or five months, and having another run as TNA world champion would feel just as good."


"I am very content at Impact Wrestling. I don't know if I trust that Meekmahan, or if he'll try to stifle my broken brilliance. I'm able to live in my broken universe here at Impact Wrestling to the fullest extent, and Impact Wrestling needs me as their savior, so I'll do everything I can to help them grow. They've had many setbacks in the last few years, but things are changing. I don't have an end game. Being a celestial being, I live for the moment to fight the Great War, and that is to light the darkness. Right now, I'm able to do that at Impact Wrestling.''

Bellator confirm interest:

Bellator have confirmed they have reached out, with interest in signing Ryback.

RVD talks heat from namesake:

Rob Van Dam says he recently found out actor Jean Claude Van Damme does not like him...

"When he came in my manager went up to his entourage because he was walking through and he said, hey you know, could we get a picture of him and Rob for the web site or something? He said, oh he doesn't have time. Alright. Whatever. So I was like, we tried, whatever. While I'm walking around I saw up onstage he was answering questions to a crowd in the auditorium and at the same time taking pictures with a line of fans one at a time. And so I said, well sure I'll just get in line and get a picture, that'd be cool. And I get in line and all the fans got excited and they're like, oh oh oh, and so they pushed me right up to the front of the line so that I'm next. I'm standing onstage and Jean-Claude was talking, answering a question, and when he saw me he totally lost his train of thought and he was just like, 'I was very lucky to have a father who…' and he just saw me and if looks could kill. He said something to his handler and they guy goes, OK no more pictures, this was the last one. And they're like, no, no, one more, and he's saying, no more. And then he's trying to answer the question, he's trying to talk and they started going, 'RVD! RVD!' which was rattling him and they guy came over and he dispersed the line."

Cody makes promise:

Cody Rhodes says he will not play around with his surname, to try to get around the WWE ban on him using it. He says everyone knows how it is spelt, and he would not demean what the name means for the sake of a two finger salute to WWE.

KO talks naming son after Owen Hart:

''When I was younger, I could always tell that Owen was having a blast in the ring and that stuck with me. After Owen passed away, every single person I spoke to would talk about how great of a guy he was and how he would go out of his way to make people happy. That is how I would want his son to be, and I asked my wife to name our son Owen when she was pregnant, which she agreed to right away.''

He went on to say Bret Hart appreciated it, when they shared the story with him.

Where Are They Now?:

Ted DiBiase Jr is the second featured star on the new WWE Network show...

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