Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Today's News

New Alum:

Terri 'Marlena' Runnels, former manager, wrestler, and announcer, as well as the former wife of Goldust, is the latest addition to the WWE Alumni roster.


The Uso's have earned a shot at the Tag titles, after beating a returning American Alpha, following an injury to Chad Gable. The match will be at No Mercy.

John Cena lost clean on TV for the first time in seven years, beaten by Dean Ambrose.

Rock shares cast photo:

The Rock has posted a photo of his co-stars on Jumanji. Jack Black, Kevin Hart and Karen Gilliam from Doctor Who and the WWE produced 'Oculus'.

Gallows opens up:

Luke Gallows was the first man to get inked in his new tattoo shop today.


Dean Ambrose will get his one on one rematch for the WWE title on next week's SmackDown. He will also challenge at No Mercy in a triple threat.

WWE games:

WWE have revealed the first DLC stars for their game this year...

  • Eddie Guerrero
  • Papa Shango
  • Tye Dillinger
  • Luke Gallows
  • Karl Anderson
  • The Texas Tornado Kerry Von Erich
  • Mojo Rawley
  • The Godfather
  • Austin Aries

    Bret talks Rollins:

    Bret Hart says he has been so hard on Seth Rollins because he wants him to be the best, and is sad he is falling short...

    "Actually, I'm a big fan of Seth Rollins. I mean, it sounds like I've been a little hard on him the last few months, but I'm trying to make a point to make him a better wrestler, to live up to what I expect out of him. And we're in this business. It's not about hurting people, and, too often, people misunderstand my point, and, maybe, including him. Now, he thinks I've got a hard on for him, or I'm out to get him, or out to make him sound bad. I'm not. I love his wrestling and I like him as a person. He's always a respectful guy and I know he's trying his hardest. I hope Seth Rollins becomes the safest, best wrestler in the world. And I wish him all the luck in the world. And I'm not trying to pick on him. I'm just trying to remind him that it's not about hurting guys. That doesn't make you a good wrestler. It makes you a really lousy wrestler."

    He went on to compare him to Goldberg on the night he ended his career and acknowledged hearing the Seth podcast where he talked about Bret's negative view of him, before talking about another issue he has with Rollins...

    "That move that Seth Rollins did where he hurt that Finn Bálor. Well, if you just think about it logically, 'okay, I'm going to pick somebody up, and I'm going to go through their legs under the ropes, and then, I'm going to do like Razor Ramon and I'm going to just grab you and do the Razor's Edge. It's basically the move. And if you just think about it, 'okay, I'm going to pick you up, and then I'm going to run full blast, as hard as I can, just hurl your body against that padded wall. And if you watch it, it's, like, as soon as I saw it, I thought that if somebody had done that to me, I would have been pretty mad."

    Former star seriously ill:

    Rico has heart, lung and brain problems relating to his wrestling career, and is extremely sick. Friends in the business are trying to drum up financial support for his ex-wife, who despite no longer being married to him has cared for him since January.

    Orton fumes at flag controversy:

    Randy Orton has again weighed in on the controversy surrounding the American flag, this time talking about a teacher that escaped losing his job despite stomping on the flag of the country. He took heat for calling on the educator to be sacked, from some who say the death of black people in America is more important than a flag. Orton responded to one particularly antagonistic commentor...

    ''Americans are dying. Pigment of skin doesn't matter. American people matter.''


    Cesaro has called on WWE to change his theme music.

    Rhodes debut:

    Cody Rhodes is expected to make his TNA debut at tomorrow's tapings.

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