Friday, September 9, 2016

Today's News

Kevin Owens out of kayfabe interview:

On his family influencing and supporting his rise to the top of WWE...

"My parents could have told me when I was 12 years old and telling them I wanted to be a wrestler that it was silly and to be serious and find something more secure and safe, but they didn't. They pushed me as hard as they could. My wife, she's been with me for 10 years," Owens said. "She saw the ups and the downs and she saw so many people tell me I would never make it to WWE, but she never doubted it. My kids put up with their dad being gone a lot. My daughter's two so she's not super aware of it, she's just happy when I come back, but my son's eight, he's seen me do this his whole life. He knows how much it means to me, he knows how much I enjoy it. I don't know if it's going to stick, but for now, he looks like that's what he wants to do, too. He's very tolerant of the sacrifices we have to make in order for me to do this, and he really enjoys WWE itself, so that certainly helps. Without them, I just wouldn't be here. I also had a thought for my grandfathers. I have their initials tattooed on my knuckles. They were both really big wrestling fans. My dad's father would take me to WWE shows when I was younger and my other grandfather, my mom's dad, would watch wrestling with me at the house. They just really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, they both passed away before I signed with WWE. The tattoos on my knuckles are just kind of a way to keep them with me at all times. I really wish they were there to see this moment, but I definitely thought of them."

On the emotion he felt when his best friend (Sami Zayn) met him at gorilla on the night he won the Universal...

"There were a couple of people. The first one, I don't want to just say who it is, but I think people can figure it out. It was very emotional because in a lot of ways, we both achieved this. I don't know how to describe that. It's our title, in a way, if that makes any sense."

Eva training:

Suspended WWE star Eva Marie has started training for her return, which will be in 10 days.

She has also been named in the cast of a film with Hollywood greats Faye Dunaway and Nicholas Cage. She is introduced in a press release as an E! reality star, without mention of her WWE career.

WWE copied TNA:

Jeremy Borash says he has insider information from WWE that they did copy the Hardy's compound angle, and he also claims he knows who from the office suggested they do the angle with the Wyatt's, but would not say who that, or his source is.

Angle jailed:

Kurt Angle's older brother has been jailed for murdering his wife.

Paige quits WWE:

A WWE insider claims Paige quit WWE earlier this week, and has hired legal representation as WWE did not grant her the request. WWE have her contracted until 2019.

WWE release:

WWE have today released Alberto Del Rio. Possibly hoping to beat him to the punch, as he was promising to make a statement today.

WWE break kayfabe:

WWE have changed the injury for Chad Gable from ACL to MCL, but will still have the same injury lay off of 2-4 weeks. So maybe it is not as real as they first alluded. They have also confirmed that the two losing semi finalists (Uso's and Hype Bro's) will compete against each other, to then earn a match vs Heath Slater & Rhyno for the belts on Sunday.

New job for Kane:

Kane acted as a celebrity server at a fund raiser in Tennessee overnight.

Show fail:

Big Show snapped the ring ropes at a live in Manila last night. He had tried to climb to the top for a splash on John Cena.

CM Punk:

CM made weight for his MMA fight today. There was concern during the week that he would not, but he is actually marginally lighter than his younger opponent.

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