Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Today's News


Rusev made a surprise early return to TV last night, to cost Roman Reigns a match against Kevin Owens.


After winning the Tag titles over the weekend, Heath Slater will officially be signed to SmackDown on their show tonight.


Vince McMahon has injured himself in training, and needs surgery, but will continue to work as normal. He tore his quad doing squats.

Clash Of The Champions:

Chris Jericho vs Sami Zayn has been booked for Raw's first solo PPV.

Ryback remembers Mania match:

"I will never forget that day (Mania 29). My numbers kept climbing even though I was losing these big time matches. I was under the assumption that I was going over on Mark Henry at WrestleMania and then turning heel the next night on John Cena. When I found days before that I was not going over, but that they wanted me to fall on my face with my finish and look like an idiot, I said there was no way I was doing that. I asked, 'Why are we doing this?' I went to Vince and spoke with him for thirty minutes in 'Gorilla' and he lied to me how this was the reason for my heel turn – that I fell on my face and tripped, I just couldn't cut it, and that's why I'd turn heel. Ultimately, though, they were just trying to run me into the ground and ruin my brand forever, and that happened time and time again. As you saw with that finish, it made zero sense from a booking standpoint to book me to fall flat on my face, and then the next night to turn me heel. The reaction to my heel turn was louder than ever, and then what did Vince do? He came to me personally and said, 'We're taking away all your merchandise. I want your merchandise to tank and no more 'Feed Me More,'' which was the thing that put me on the map. So instead of giving me an edge as a heel, you're stripping me of everything, having Cena go over me, and then you saw how my career fell after that. I lost the momentum, and I never got it back again."

Alum takes action:

Raven has joined Buff Bagwell's lawsuit against WWE as a co-plaintiff.

Orton back:

Randy Orton worked a live this weekend.

WWE merch:

WWE have launched a line of pet products today.

Randy Orton talks doing UFC:

Randy Orton took a playful swipe at CM Punk when asked if he would have a go at MMA...

''I like making $. Over and over. Not once every 6 months....plus I'd prob fake punch the guy and get choked out. Unless it was the Irish guy little person Connor Mcdonald.''


Paige has gotten another tattoo dedicated to Alberto Del Rio today. She also posted lyrics to an Eminem song that read ''When you love someone so much you give it all up for.''


Ryback has changed his name to Ryback so WWE cannot stop him using it.


Love this pic, just two champs hanging out.

SmackDown teaser:

  • Will this chance be different for The One Man Band?
  • Will AJ Styles' WWE World Championship reign get off to a 'Phenomenal' start?
  • The Irish Lass Kicker goes from hunter to hunted
  • Will The Miz and Maryse receive any Backlash for their actions?
  • Can Bray Wyatt bounce back from No Holds Barred brawl at Backlash?

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