Thursday, September 8, 2016

Today's News

CM Punk:

As the debut of CM Punk in MMA gets closer, two WWE stars have commented on the man...

Seth Rollins...

"He's a guy who led the charge for a long time. He's one of the first indie guys in a long, long time to really shake the main roster in WWE and he paved the way for Daniel Bryan, for myself, Dean Ambrose, Cesaro, and those guys. Say what you will about his attitude and his relationship with the company right now, but I wish him the best and I hope that he is successful -- win, lose or draw."


"From a basic human being standpoint, he is showing courage doing something the majority of people on this planet will never do and that is step in a cage and fight in front of millions of people. I respect he wants to test himself and has the courage to do so. For that reason alone, while I don't condone him saying the things he said about me, I want to him do well. Any man can beat another man on any given night, so I just hope he achieves what he is looking for in this and I will leave it at that."

Mick Foley also sent him a video message offering his support.

Kevin Owens addresses biggest critics:

"Jim Cornette and I have never really seen eye-to-eye. Ultimately, he knew that I could make it if I wanted to but he just didn't think I had the right attitude. But that's just because the way he and I saw things differently. He's been saying that he thinks that I must have changed the way I see things because now I have success and it must be because I changed things. But it's not; now I just work with people who I agree with more. The people who I work with now have the same vision that I do of what professional wrestling should be and what it is now. Jim and I just didn't share that vision. As far as Vince Russo is concerned, I don't think he means a single word of what he says. I think he says all of it to get attention. I think he knows how good I am and that me being the champion is a great move, he's just trying to rile people up."


The Semi-Finals are now official (Photo).

Old boy re-signs:

Scotty 2 Hotty has re-signed for WWE as a PC coach.


Shelton Benjamin has had the surgery on the injury that cost him his WWE return this week. He is now at home, and healing.

Talent heat over Sasha angle:

Many WWE talent have expressed their dis-pleasure at Sasha Banks fake retirement promo on Raw this week. They are angry that people who have had to do that awful spot for real (Daniel Bryan, Edge, Tyson Kidd) are having their very real emotions played with for the sake of a brief angle, and that it dis-respects the stars that have done it for real.

The heat is said to be on the office, not Sasha herself.

Cody Rhodes:

Cody Rhodes will be working angles with TNA, one featuring his wife against Mike Bennett and his wife Maria, and with ROH, but will not sign a contract with them. He will also not be allowed to use his surname. He has though refused an angle with Damien Sandow, as he only wants to work with people he hasn't worked with before. Finally, he also hopes to secure a recurring role on the show 'Arrow.'

TNA secure top star:

ECIII has reportedly agreed to new terms on his TNA deal, one that will see him lose his rights to booking his own indie dates. He is now telling interested parties to request his services via the TNA office.

Paige takes legal advice:

Paige has hired legal representation against WWE. She has a contract up until 2019, but things are so heated between her, her man, Alberto Del Rio, and the office, that some officials are openly talking about the possibility that she is not coming back.

Billy going on tour:

Billy Gunn is in talks with New Japan for a tour of the country later this year.

WWE signing spree:

WWE have signed 7 more Chinese stars this week.

Steph reveals why book is delayed:

Stephanie McMahon says she decided to delay her book, as she has decided she has more she wants to share, but says the delay will not be as long as initially reported.

Old girl at HQ:

Terri Runnels is filming at WWE HQ this week, it may be for the same project Torrie Wilson taped for last week, but that is not confirmed.

Goldberg enters controversy:

Goldberg has discussed a controversy in American media. A sports man has refused to stand for the playing of the American national anthem, as a protest, Goldberg is not a fan of his stance...

"In a day and age where you have professional athletes not willing to stand and honor that flag, I'm up here to say I'm completely against that," Goldberg said. "There's no cause worth fighting for when you step on the people who have tread the ground for you, who have sacrificed lives, who have fought for nothing but that flag."

Billy Corgan wants TNA:

Musician Billy Corgan says he is ''Actively'' working on buying out TNA in it's entirety.

Del Rio ready to talk:

Alberto Del Rio is expected to confirm his WWE status tomorrow. He has set up a press conference in Mexico.

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