Sunday, September 18, 2016

Today's News

Match finally happens:

Randy Orton wrestled Bray Wyatt on the live tour last night.

WWE at awards:

Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella are representing WWE at the Emmy awards tonight.


Daniel Bryan and The Miz have been continuing their feud on social media in recent days, and it seems like it is going to lead to Miz defecting from SmackDown and taking his services, and title, to Raw.

Trish Stratus:

Trish Stratus is marking 10 years since she retired from WWE (Bar her one off Mania return) today.

Buff Bagwell critical of WWE:

On Samoa Joe...

"Samoa Joe, to me, I've never got that. I know he's very popular. I know he's very good in the ring, I think he's a great wrestler, I like to watch him. But when you've got a chance to do a storyline, to the world of wrestling fans, who's going to be Sting's tag team partner, and the options are Lex Luger, Marcus Bagwell, and Samoa Joe. I mean, who in the heck is Samoa Joe? And Luger wasn't fit enough, so I fit the part perfectly. I really don't know where TNA were going with that, except maybe a push for Samoa Joe? Me and Samoa Joe haven't spoke 10 words together. He was on one independent show with in in Cleveland, and he got mad because I was in the main event and he wasn't. To me, Samoa Joe is a fat, out of shape guy who looks like he should not be in a wrestling ring, and I've not heard or seen anybody ever draw a dollar with him."

On CM Punk...

"Here's how I look at it. If I was a promoter like Vince McMahon or Ted Turner, if I was trying to make money in the wrestling industry, I would judge it by having a person walk through Walmart. If CM Punk walked through Walmart even as popular as he is, he's not going to get noticed as much as Hulk Hogan walking through Walmart. The reason why I say Walmart, is because that is our fanbase."

Bull Dempsey talks surprise at WWE release:

"It's funny. I actually thought I was going in to get a raise, so that was a big turnaround. We had just been off of a UK tour that we did and I had gotten some really good reactions over there. And I thought, 'okay, this thing is finally taking off and we're going to do some good business with this'. And for whatever reason, the decision was made and no ill will towards them and it was obviously a business thing."

This came just before he debuted for ROH.

Bubba teases return:

Bubba Dudley teased taking a spot with Matt Hardy over the weekend to TNA, where he wants to put his wife, and baby through a table.

Alberto Del Rio:

Alberto Del Rio will debut for AAA on October 2.

HOF'er takes ill:

Terry Funk left an indie show last night, after taking ill. He did cut a promo before leaving, despite being dizzy, and against his doctors orders, to explain to the fans why he could not appear.

UFC star calls out WWE man:

Alan Jouban says if he had to go in MMA against a WWE star it would be Big Show.

Rock awarded:

The Rock has been given the icon award by Olympia.

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