Saturday, September 3, 2016

Today's News


CMLL hosted their 83rd anniversary show last night. Many familiar faces took part in the event, including Sin Cara, Super Crazy and Mark Jindrak.

Paul London disgusted:

Paul London, who has just signed for LU, says he is disgusted that Triple H is taking credit for Kevin Steen's success...

"The thing that really kind of disgusts me is Kevin Steen who is one of my favorite people in the world and it really disgusts me is to see Triple H with his phony, fat smile draping all over Kevin Steen and saying that I believed in this guy all along. You know the body-builder, "the game" himself, Mr. Arnold Classic, Mr. Shredded is now super endorsing this non body-builder and who is kind of the anti-pro wrestler if you think about it (and from an attitude standpoint Kevin is amazing) but from that ideal WWE body that they valued and cherished for decades, he doesn't fit the mold and I love that about him because cookie-cutter is boring. But I just think that this Hunter feigning over him is bullsh*t. It is just that, I think it is bullish*t. I think Hunter just does that to keep himself relevant at these new guys expense. It is almost like he is trying to give himself a rub off of these guys and it disgusts me."

He also revealed he has not spoken to his long time tag partner Brian Kendrick for over a year.

Luke Harper:

Luke Harper is scheduled to report to the PC in the next week or so, to have his knee tested. If he passes, he can start to work at his ring return, which WWE hope will be before this month is out.

Banned star back:

Eva Marie has dyed her hair and traveled to the Bahamas for a Total Diva's taping. The Miz and Maryse have joined her.

Finn Balor:

Finn Balor says he won't be back until WrestleMania at the earliest...

"I guess the original diagnosis was four to six months, but, I guess, when they found out the extra problems in there, they said it's going to be a hard six. Now, I could try and shave some time off that, but I'm not going to. If I'm ready before six months, I'm going to make sure, when the time comes around and six months is there, I'm going to be better than ever."

He also commended WWE for their handling of the injury...

"Oh my God, the way the WWE treated this situation has just blown me away. Obviously, I only found out on Monday before RAW, at 5 pm, that I was going to need surgery. And then, by, I think, 9 pm, they had it all set up that I was getting operated [on] the next afternoon, so I had to check out of the hotel at 3 am. We had a 5 am flight to Birmingham, Alabama. We're in the hospital by, I want to say, 9 am, getting prepped for the surgery. So my hat's off to WWE. They couldn't have done a better job making sure, like, not only was I getting the best treatment, but obviously the most prompt as well."

WWE games:

WWE have released a video confirming the complete 2K17 roster...

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