Friday, September 16, 2016

Today's News

Veteran talks CWC issues:

Tyson Dux says his experience in the WWE CWC wasn't great...

"We had agents. We had to deal with agents as well and plan it out. I know for me personally, I wanted to do a stalling suplex from the second rope and they completely scrapped that. They said no way can you do that. For whatever reason, Me & Zach were supposed to be 50/50 right up to the end and it was more of a showcase for Zach which is understandable, right? I get it. There weren't major handcuffs put on, but they did want to steer the ship the way they want to steer it. So as we go along and get more progressive into it, they're easing up on it. Tozawa is known for that snap German suplex with a hold for the pin and they were adamant on saying no absolutely no head drops at all and when push came to shove, Tozawa did put (Ken) Johnson directly on his bean for that snap German suplex. It's the same as anything. It's wrestling politics. Either you kind of bite the bullet and ask for forgiveness later or you just do your stuff. I'm sure to God that burning hammer (Brian Kendrick's) was not discussed. WWE doesn't even let the tombstone fly other than The Undertaker."

Dusty tribute returns:

WWE have confirmed that they will host a second edition of the Dusty Rhodes tag tourney this Autumn. The first round was taped last night.


The Sanity vignettes are for a new faction which will be led by Eric Young. Brit Nikki Storm, Alexander Wolfe and NXT stalwart Sawyer Fulton will complete the group. They will debut against Bobby Roode and Tye Dillinger in the first round of the Dusty Rhodes tournament on October 12.

WWE buy building:

WWE have paid $23 million for a building in Stamford, their new address is 88 Hamilton Ave, and will be used as a TV studio.

CWC title surprise:

TJ Perkins has revealed that the talent were not told about the Cruiserweight belt until Triple H made the unveiling at the live finale this week.

Mania 33:

Becky Lynch says she sees no reason why the girls of WWE cannot be in the last match of next years Mania...

"I don't see a reason why we all couldn't main event WrestleMania next year. That's the next step. Once you've reached one goal you're onto the next and we've got to keep working hard to achieve that. I never really stop to celebrate each step, because I'm always looking to what's next, but it's one thing to get to a certain level but we have to also maintain that. But you never know what will happen, it would be an amazing moment for all of us for sure."

John Cena talks heat with Rock / what he said after their match:

"For two years, The Rock and I kind of made fun of each other a lot. It got pretty heated and it got pretty personal. I said some things that were less than nice. He said some things that were less than nice. And I can assure you, in our line of work, there is a grey area where imagination becomes very real and we were right in the sweet spot of that grey area, each watching the other's every move and not too happy with the other party. We had a match in Miami at WrestleMania, of which I finished second place. I'm very proud of that. That's a polite way of saying I lost. But we had a followup match at MetLife Stadium [in East Rutherford, New Jersey] and I was good enough to finish first that day and when I did, I was well-aware of the amount of work Dwayne Johnson had on his plate and the fact that he did not need to come back to the WWE. I talked all that trash many years ago just to try to get him back because I, like you guys, am a fan of The Rock. So he comes back and stays for the better part of two years, only to lose in one of his final matches in WWE. After the three-count in the match in New York, we had a moment where we had an embrace and I said something to him. And there have been a few people who asked me what I said and I always said, 'well, that's between me and him'. I actually told him that he had taken a picture with me when I was an employee at Gold's Gym back in the year 2000 when The Rock was, like, meteoric. And he didn't need to pay any attention to anyone, but people who could possibly do things for him. Here's this low-level employee at Gold's Gym wowed by the unbelievable personality of Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. I went up to him and said, 'Rock, is it okay if we get a picture together?' And he gave me the picture, he gave me some advice on how to further my career, and he didn't have to do any of that. And now, being in the return seat, I understand, truly, how valuable his time was and how much that meant to me as a person. And I held him close and I said, 'you're never going to remember this, but you took a picture with me in 2000. It helped me stand here today and if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here today.' And then, I thanked him very much for all he has done for the industry, all he has done for me, and we went backstage and had a shot together in celebration."

X-Pac slams dirt sheet story:

"I'm not going to write their headlines for them but not f--king that! I mean it's not true. It's hard for me to say it's not — I didn't turn her on to drugs, I mean, we were both doing drugs already when we got together. So, and I do take my — I own my f--king part in her downfall, I just thought that was pretty f--ked up for them to put that out there when I helped them out with that because she deserved — regardless of what went on between her and I, she was an amazing woman, very troubled, but an amazing woman that did a lot of f--king incredible s--t and I wanted the story to be right, not bulls--t."

Rhodes signs for TNA:

Brandi (Eden) Rhodes has reportedly inked a deal with TNA, and will be on their active wrestling roster, not announcing, as she did for WWE. She is training hard, and working some indies to prepare for her debut.

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