Saturday, July 2, 2016

Today's News

WWE on tour:

WWE are currently in Japan on tour. AJ Styles and The Club make their returns to the land of the rising sun, for the first time since joining WWE.

WWE stars have visited an American military base whilst in the country.

Adam Rose:

Adam Rose is this weeks guest on Vince Russo's podcast. He talks about the controversial end of his WWE career, and says that the promotion killed his artistic personality...

"You're not going to be happy when your artistic expression has been squashed and destroyed. That artistic side of you is dying and that's what gets to you emotionally and that's what makes people eventually sad. Some people can deal with it, some people can get a paycheck and deal with it and be happy about it and other people unfortunately can't like it that well."


20 more names have been confirmed for PWG's Battle Of Los Angeles, including Evan Bourne and Ricochet. Cody Rhodes, who was the first name announced, says if he wins he will buy everyone at the show a beer.

Flair returns:

Ric Flair is bringing back his podcast, on MLW radio.


WWE have announced a champion vs champion (Ambrose & Miz) match, a US title bout, and a 16 man elimination bout, Team USA vs Team Rest Of The World, for Raw.

Ouellet vs The Kliq:

Pierre Ouellet has talked about his real life feud with The Kliq...

On their bullying...

"I was really not welcomed by the Kliq. But Razor and Kevin (Nash) and Shawn (Michaels) would say that Shane (Douglas) was overrated and the "drizzling" sh*ts and just put him down at every chance they had. If we were on a bus drive or in the dressing room they were always on his case big time. The Kliq were so tough to deal with. They were calling all the shots and they were heavy because they had all the titles. Razor had the IC belt, Kevin was the World Champ and sometimes Kevin and Shawn were the tag champs and then Shawn would be the IC Champ. They kept the belts within themselves and then you had Triple H getting there and the 1-2-3 Kid and even a little bit with Aldo Montoya who was trying to carry some briefcases and suitcases and trying to get in with the boys and The Kliq."

On refusing to lose in Canada...

"To me it was just a build up. At one point when the Quebeccer gimmick was finished and we started the Jean- Pierre LaFitte gimmick (which I sold to Vince and he loved it) he said we will push you and you are not going to wrestle in Montreal for almost two years and when you do you will be over and it will be f*cking crazy. So out of nowhere Vince called me at home and said that IRS got hurt at a house show and that they had a big show coming up in Montreal and that he wants to add me to that show to face Shawn. I had no problem working with Shawn but Jacques (Rougeau) had just retired and I would talk to him and ask him for advice and I don't blame anyone for this but I was scheduled to be doing the semi main event against Shawn and the agent of the match, George "The Animal" Steele told me I had to put Shawn over. At first I thought it wouldn't really hurt me because I was starting a new character but Jaques was so hyped up when I called him asking for his advice and he said if I lose to Shawn I'd be finished in Montreal and my character was going to go nowhere. So I was confused and at first and I went to George Steele and said I didn't want to put Shawn over and Shawn got really pissed off at that. About a half hour later I had changed my mind and went back to Shawn and said I'll do it and said I'm sorry and that I was confused but I'll do it. He was still pissed and said that thirty guys just put him over in the Royal Rumble and you just don't want to put me over in Montreal so what's wrong with you? I was thinking that it was going to impact my new character and not help out the LaFitte gimmick. But Shawn always kept that in his mind that I semi refused to put him over at one point in my life and I'm not sure if Shane Douglas even knows that."

On his fight with Kevin Nash...

"I had just got really, really mad at The Kliq and the fact that he (Nash) was so cocky when the Montreal house show came that when Tony Garea called me in the room and said they wanted a good solid match ending in a big boot and jack-knife, this time I totally refused to do the job for him. To me it was just so many bad blood things and was revenge and them just being cool, cocky and constantly using a demonstration of pure power that I just didn't want to go with it. They kept pressuring me and all the agents were coming to me and it was finally Shawn came in with his Intercontinental belt and I told him you f*cking little f*cker if you miss me with your belt I am going to f*cking kill you and beat you up to the point you won't believe it and he never touched me. The whole dressing room was hoping that Nash would give me a hell of a beating during that match and make it a shoot. Nash came back to me before the match started and said you sure you don't want to do the job for me? I still said no I'm not doing it and I'll go home and go to sleep here in Montreal before I lose. I said let's just do a double count out and it ended up that it was a really stiff match and as we brawled to the back the punches got stiffer and stiffer."


Paige has appeared in an ad for an alcoholic drink in the States.


Sunny says she will start her $100 for 10 minutes private Skype calls when she comes out of rehab.

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