Thursday, July 28, 2016

Today's News

Mark Hunt accuses UFC of insider knowledge:

Brock Lesnar's vanquished opponent says he has the feeling that UFC knew he was doping, before the fight...

"What upsets me about that is, I'm just thinking maybe they knew. Did they know about this? Is that why they're not doing anything about it? Did they give this (expletive) fool an exemption for four months because they knew about this? Because surely if they know about this, they don't give a rat's about any of us. 'Hey man, we'll let this juiced up freaking monkey go in here and fight with this guy.' I mean, shucks, people say I should have a rematch with him. I wouldn't want to waste my time with that. He's rubbish."

NXT Brooklyn:

Samoa Joe vs Shinsuke Nakamura, for the NXT title, is now official. It will take place at the pre SummerSlam NXT Network special.

WWE business:

WWE have reported record figures for their second quarter of the financial year. Despite this the sale of UFC has made top officials sit up and take notice, and they would not rule out considering a sale of WWE, if the right proposition was made...

"We're always willing to listen. All we care about is doing what's best for our audience, our shareholders and our employees. If someone has a great idea, we're open to listening to it."

Flair discusses brain damage lawsuit vs WWE:

"I think it's bad for the image of the company and I don't think it's good, personally, for the image of the individuals doing it. I think it's unrealistic. I feel bad. And I'm saying this out loud, I feel bad for the guys that are doing this because we've all put ourselves on the line. That's what we did for a living. Nobody twisted our arm. Does that make sense? So it was something we did and it's something that happens and I just think that sometimes hard times can cause you to make bad decisions."

This comes on the day WWE were granted permission to file counter suits against the 53 talents taking them to court, four of which can be against individuals.

WWE star in huge heat:

Despite the fight between Sin Cara and Simon Gotch being one sided, and coming out of nowehere, it is Simon that has heat with the roster. His mouth has a habit of rubbing people the wrong way, and he found out that that, combined with un-opened cans of soda sitting within arms reach... hurts.

His feud with Sin Cara apparently goes back to their NXT days.

Shows renewed:

Lucha Underground season 3 will air on September 7, and The Rock's 'Ballers' has also won a third season.

Kayfabe relationship back on:

Paige has restored all of her posts with Alberto Del Rio, after deleting them when they were split during the brand draft.

Charlotte wanted to drop belt?:

Charlotte has reportedly asked for time off from WWE, after a busy first year. WWE decided to bring forward the planned title change from SummerSlam to Raw this week.

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