Friday, July 22, 2016

Today's News

Bayley not ready for call up:

Bayley told WWE's website that she has one final goal in NXT before she steps up...

"Winning back that title has always been my top priority, because being the best has always been my goal in NXT. Ever since I lost the Women's Championship to Asuka, I feel like I've been targeted in a whole different way. People have tried to keep me down and keep me away from the title picture to make sure that I never get a chance again. And personally, I've struggled with a lot of doubt in myself at times. I've become more aggressive than I was last April. I'm more demanding. I know I deserve this rematch, and I won't take no for an answer any longer."

WWE release food line:

WWE have released Booty O's cereal at select stores in America, priced at $12 a box. In each box you will get a Pop Vinyl figure of one of the New Day members.

Brock Lesnar:

WWE will ''Definitely'' not suspend Brock Lesnar for his drugs fails, and the SummerSlam match will go ahead as planned. This according to Wrestling Observer Radio.

WWE firsts:

AJ Styles, Asuka and Shinsuke Nakamura will get their first WWE action figures, in the next line of Mattel toys.

WWE Alum reacts to lawsuit vs WWE:

Jonathan Coachman is not happy that former stars are taking WWE to court... He said on ESPN last night...

"This is a very, very close topic for me. 2003 was the first time I got in the ring to train to be an in-ring participant. The very first day I was in there I suffered a concussion. There's a very good chance, I didn't get them all evaluated, but probably between 10 and 20 concussions during my time from 2003 - 2008. The one thing I've always said about Vince McMahon is this: he is more loyal than any person, boss or human being I've met in my life. and it's not just because he signed my paychecks for nearly a decade. I don't like it, in fact I hate it, when a certain group of people... and this was always the case when stars would leave to go somewhere else or they'd get fired because of something stupid they did, then they would blame Vince for whatever issues they had. "Vince has recognized that, so he has paid all these guys for years and years. And all he asks, all he asks, is once a year at WrestleMania they show up, sign some autographs, shake some hands and then he pays them enough to live. In response to this, what do these 50 guys do? They go out and file a lawsuit that he was not there for them and the company was not there for them when they had all these concussion issues. This drives me crazy because for a lot of these people this is a dream, a dream come true. It's not an easy business, it's a tough business but to come out and say the company didn't take care of you because of these concussions is just wrong, it will go away and as a former employee and a person that loves that business, it just drives me crazy and I don't like it."

He is not the only one angry, even one of the stars involved is unhappy. The talent is furious that their name has been made public, and is threatening to withdraw their support.


TNA are re-packaging the former Brodus Clay, as ''The Fixer.''

Backstage fight:

Still no word on who, or what, started the Sin Cara / Simon Gotch brawl this week, but word has gotten out who won. Sin Cara dominated a quick, one sided beat down, meaning he now stands at 4-0 in backstage fights, this joining two vs Sheamus, and one vs Alberto Del Rio.

Bring back jobbers:

WWE are considering bringing back enhancement talent to their TV shows. This would be done to get talent over.

Cody Rhodes interview:

On difficult relationship with his brother...

"People do not realize that Dustin and I are 16 years apart and we grew up in completely different households. And, essentially, even though Dusty is our father, we essentially grew up with different fathers because of how Dusty was when he had Dustin and how Dusty was when he had me. With that said, the first time we really got like a real bonding experience in my entire life with Dustin was when he came up and we had our six-man tag match with The Shield at Battleground and then after, moving forward after that, winning the tag titles and the run we had as Goldust and Cody Rhodes prior to the Stardust/Goldust, so I think watching him is incredibly motivating."

On how WWE convinced him to take on Stardust role, and why the role made him quit...

"Goldust is Dustin's character, so to be like a light version of him was probably a career nightmare and just terrible idea, perhaps, but the idea was when we got it was, 'okay, he doesn't have to be androgynous. He doesn't have to be Goldust. You can be a super villain!', 'oh, okay, I'll be like Jim Carey as The Riddler and I'll find myself a superhero and then I had the match with Stephen Amell, who's on TV as a DC character, he's the damn Green Arrow as an actual superhero.' So I was like, 'this is perfect!' And then, there was supposed to be another match. We had practices scheduled and we were going to be at Hell In A Cell and that match was supposed to be the end of Stardust. It was supposed to be, 'if Stardust loses to The Green Arrow, he'll return as Cody Rhodes'. And when that didn't happen, that was one of the first, the first, kind of kick in the balls for me because Flair said something to me on the bus and I don't know if he remembers it, but he mentioned that, I'm not going to say it because he said it to me, but basically he had said that I had outgrown the character. And I thought, 'well, there's kind of no end in sight and I don't want a fan, if somebody says, 'oh, that's Cody Rhodes' and they say, 'who?' because they know me as Stardust'. That would just break my heart, so that was part of my decision to peace out there at the end."

More stars returning:

Teddy Long has revealed that Shelton Benjamin and MVP have medicals booked with WWE, and will then return to the promotion. MVP has since downplayed the story as rumours.

Titus building bridges:

Titus O'Neil is fronting a campaign to bring the police and young people in Florida together, to try to avoid violent attacks between the two sides...

"We're trying to start the process of trying to prevent what's going on outside of Tampa from happening inside of Tampa. It's our obligation, not only to our youth but to our community, to have a good relationship with law enforcement, both with the Sheriff's Office and the Tampa Police Department."

Eva Marie:

Eva Marie will be on the judging panel of Miss Teen USA.

WWE re-brand shows:

The new logos for Raw and SmackDown have been released today (Photo).

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