Sunday, July 17, 2016

Today's News


Heath Slater was bust open at a live last night, and needed 19 stitches to close a cut around his eye. The match had to be stopped.

NXT stars say goodbye?:

Five NXT stars stayed in the ring last night, and shared a ''Too Sweet'' gesture. Finn Balor says he felt a draft and promised that he, Shinsuke Nakamura, Bayley, Chad Gable and Jason Jordan will all be at WrestleMania one day.

WWE have confirmed 6 NXT talent will be eligible to enter the draw. Other rules include tag teams being counted as 1 pick, unless the GM only wants one member, and Raw get 3 picks for every 2 SmackDown get, as Raw is an hour longer than SD.

Austin Aries:

Austin Aries says he is still a part of NXT, and will be back on the road next week.


Sasha Banks says she will not be bringing Bayley to the main roster as her partner for her PPV match. She says she does not want to start losing to her on the main roster, as she did in NXT.

WWE feature becoming Network show:

WWE's monthly website feature 'Where Are They Now?', where they visit past stars to catch up, is becoming a Network show. WWE sent cameras to visit Eve Torres this week, to tape the first episode.

Brock Lesnar:

Brock Lesnar's opponent at UFC 200, Mark Hunt, now says he wants every penny of the $2.5 million Brock was awarded, as ''Cheaters don't deserve sh!t.''

Wrestling murder verdict:

Three brothers who killed a woman using ''WWE style moves'' have been found guilty in a UK court. The Knight brothers now face a minimum 23 years in jail.

WWE released a statement...

"We doubt the veracity of their statements that WWE moves were used when in fact there are no moves such as rainbow flips, T-Bones and Cliffhangers. We are appalled that WWE has been senselessly dragged into this heinous crime."

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