Thursday, July 21, 2016

Today's News

Hideo Itami:

Hideo Itami will return to NXT TV in two weeks.

Heath Slater responds to brand split snub:

"I hear all the whispers and all those lies people are spewing. Guess what? They are nothing but angry pleas from other guys who WISH they were free like me. You say I'm "optimistic and delusional"? You say I've "caught the bug"? I've had the bug for a long time now. I've been more than ready - since I was a little boy even - to get my time to shine. I know this company has taken down so many others but I'm not going to let them do the same to me. You'll know my name and you'll see that I'm stronger still. I'll rise up from these ashes and you'll learn to fear my pain, the pain of all the missed opportunities and all the backhanded comments I've endured all these years. Yeah you will. I won't disappear, I definitely won't be hanging up my boots anytime soon. I've got too much to prove before I would ever do that. You'll be seeing me. You'll be seeing a lot of me. Where you might ask? Only time will tell..."

Roman Reigns:

Roman Reigns ban has ended today, just in time for his BattleGround title match. Backstage reports from WWE say he tested positive for a drug called ''Adderall.'' It is used to treat ADHD, but also masks fatigue and pain.

Number 1:

Seth Rollins was not slated to be the number 1 draft pick in the brand split. Until news of his drugs fails Brock Lesnar was booked to be the guy, but was pushed down as punishment?.


WWE are planning a second batch of NXT call ups for post SummerSlam.


Four contracts have now been offered to CWC stars. Ibushi and Metalik have been joined by Cedric Alexander and Akira Tozawa.

Manager leaves WWE:

Questions were asked this week when Paul Heyman was not mentioned along with Brock Lesnar during the brand split draw. The reason is Paul's WWE deal has expired. The two sides are talking, but WWE are so unsure of his decision, that they thought it would be best not to mention him on TV, in case he decides to move on.

Nikki's news:

Nikki Bella had good news from her doctor yesterday, and says she is now ready to return to the PC, to prepare for a ring return.

Relationship was kayfabe:

After being split by the brand draft, Paige has deleted all reference to her supposed real life relationship with Alberto Del Rio, from her social media.

First old boys confirmed:

Rhyno and Curt Hawkins are coming back to the WWE roster. Both are expected to join SmackDown.

Johnny Gargano:

Johnny Gargano is now a full time WWE star, he finished up his last indie dates this week.


TNA are thinking about moving Bound For Glory back a month, as they would have gone head to head with a WWE PPV on September 11.

Bring back Diesel:

Kevin Nash, who refused to go into the HOF as his WWE gimmick, now says he wants to bring the role back for WWE. He wants to be Dolph Ziggler's bodyguard, as he once was for Shawn Michaels.

New Day record:

New Day became the longest reigning WWE tag champs this week. Paul London & Brian Kendrick had the record previously.

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