Saturday, July 9, 2016

Today's News

TNA reunion:

Austin Aries and Samoa Joe teamed up in the main event of last nights NXT live.

Big name on Raw:

Vince McMahon says he will appear on Raw next week. There will also be a battle royal for a shot at The Miz's IC title.


WWE's Brock Lesnar will compete at the UFC 200 special tonight vs Mark Hunt. Dana White says he dealt with Triple H and Vince McMahon to get Lesnar, and despite issues with Vince in the past, claims the talks went great.

No return for GM's:

Brad Maddox says he hopes WWE do not call him to come back as a guest former GM, as some of his predecessors have done in recent weeks.

Eric Bischoff later tweeted he would also not be coming back.

Maddox also played down heat with Randy Orton...

"I don't think there is any heat with me and Randy Orton. I gave out a story in my last interview because the guy just wanted some dirt. Randy is cool. He's not John Cena but he will always talk to you and I've had some good conversations with Randy and he's never turned me down when I ask his opinion or asked him a question. He's another guy that you can go to too. There is not anything wrong with his leadership either."

Bullied Braun:

Braun Strowman has bit back at online trolls ''Fat-Shaming'' him, with a picture of a much more toned physique than people give him credit for.


WWE and TNA target Moose has confirmed he has left ROH.

Titus enters gun violence debate:

Titus O'Neil has followed JBL in blogging about the recent deaths in the States...

"I just talked to one of my partners at my office of a situation he just had last week," O'Neil said. "He's a white male, early 40s, and he got pulled over. He has a license to carry a concealed weapon and he told the police officer. 'Hey, I just want to let you know, I'm carrying a licensed weapon' and the officer said, 'Oh, it's ok, I just need to see your license'. He got his license out, he's still alive, and I'm eating dinner with him tonight. If a black man did the same thing last night, in all likelihood he would face much greater scrutiny or he could find himself in a situation like what happened the other day. So again, people want to make it about race but it's deeper than race. This is institutional racism because you can be in the right place at the wrong time and depending on who you run into it can be a great experience or a bad experience, and in a lot of cases that comes down to race. That's why people are so outraged. How is it that in Kentucky they can riot about losing a championship basketball game and there aren't many cameras out there for that? People's lives were endangered and hurt, no labeling. Same thing happens in minority communities except people are murdered and then minority people are labeled animals or thugs. Are you kidding me? It's the same action, but they are responding to a basketball game. These people are responding to a lost life after years and years of oppression and issues. What really bothers me is that they actually have the nerve to talk about a person's past. What does that have to do with the actions happening in the present?"

KO rips on Lesnar:

Kevin Owens told a fan at a live last night that he should take off his Brock Lesnar shirt, and buy the shirt of an actual wrestler.

Brian Kendrick talks WWE release:

"When I had the world in my hands, I let it slip through my fingers because I was busy patting myself on the back. I was released because I was an animal, and deservedly released. To have a second chance, it gives me a new lease on life because without wrestling, I'm just living. I've been wrestling since 1999 consistently, and it's all leading up to this moment right now. If I fall short, then I guess that's my life, falling short."

Legend joins BOLA:

Jushin Liger has joined the Battle Of LA card. He is the final name for the 24 man tourney.

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