Monday, July 11, 2016

Today's News

Raw tease:

  • Vince McMahon is back with Brand Extension implications
  • WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day visit The Wyatt Family's compound
  • Can Zack Ryder stop Rusev's momentum?
  • What's next for Enzo Amore, Big Cass and John Cena?
  • What plot twist awaits The Miz?
  • Dean Ambrose's last stand as champion?

Rosebuds return:

Adam Rose brought back his entourage at an indie event over the weekend.

Sasha saved:

A group of fans picked up a stranded Sasha Banks, and delivered her to a live in Detroit over the weekend. She had suffered a flat tyre in her car on the way to the show.

UFC sold:

Dana White has sold his MMA promotion for $4 Billion. WME and IMG completed their joint takeover on the day of UFC 200, which featured Brock Lesnar.

Dolph Ziggler:

Dolph Ziggler will cover the Republican conference for Fox TV this week.

Steiner wins:

Rick Steiner's son won the Georgia State wrestling tournament over the weekend. He however is not going pro just yet, he is going to play American Football for Kentucky.

Survivor Series 30:

The 30th annual Survivor Series will be held in Toronto, Canada in November. It will be the first time WWE have taken their second oldest event to the great white north since the Montreal event in 1997.

Rock on TV:

The Rock's show 'Ballers' returns this weekend.

Bischoff changes mind:

After ruling out a return to WWE last week, Eric Bischoff has apparently changed his mind, he now says ''Anything can happen in WWE.''

Rock sends message:

The Rock has sent Tazz a video message to end their social media fall out.

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee's biography will be released next April. She has completed writing it, and is now working on the cover art.

John Cena:

John Cena may be missing Raw tonight, as he is rehearsing for the Espy's.

Brock Lesnar:

Mark Hunt is demanding a rematch after losing to Brock Lesnar over the weekend. He has expressed issues with Brock's exemption from USADA testing for the fight, possibly hinting at Lesnar using something to help him?. It would be difficult for him to claim that, as Lesnar voluntarily subjected himself to a number of USADA tests.

Ospreay vs Vader:

Will Ospreay says Vader has not been relevant since 1992. The two men will settle their long feud over the summer.

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