Saturday, July 30, 2016

Today's News

Brand split not in effect:

The WWE brand split is not yet in effect for the live tour, the tours are continuing as before, no matter where they were drawn, and NXT promoted talent are continuing to work the NXT tour. The split will be done after SummerSlam, apart from international tours, which will still have selected members of both rosters.

Cena to turn down TV return?:

John Cena has been approached to return as host of his reality show 'American Grit.' This would mean leaving the road for two months later in the year. He says he is reluctant to commit to the show, as he has missed so much ring time in the past year.

Rock show:

The Rock's promo contest YouTube show has debuted. It is presented by YouTube celeb Joe Santagato, and is judged by Kurt Angle.


Lana has posted some pictures of her wedding to social media. Here she is in her dress.

Major sports react to WWE lawsuit:

Major law firms in the States have warned top sports like NFL to expect a tidal wave of claims if the WWE lose their current brain injury lawsuit. They advise clauses be put into contracts, to either say they are not responsible for head injuries, or stating a cap on maximum payouts, should there be a claim. WWE will likely be interested in going down that road, whatever the result of this case.

Kane talks political ambitions:

"I'd always hesitated before because I never thought the timing was right for someone like me, because I am an outsider. Now, I think the country is so ready for a change at this point that being an outsider actually plays to my or anyone else in my position's advantage. There are a lot of people in Washington, D.C., who have a lot of experience, and because of that, we're 20 trillion dollars in debt. Maybe we need fresh blood and new perspective… I think that's maybe what people are looking for. Maybe this is naive of me, but I do want to make a difference… I want to make every part of the world a better place to be."

Hurricane reveals which official he still hates:

Shane Helms says he hates, and will never forgive, WWE music chief Jim Johnston for refusing to credit him with a song he wrote for Funaki...

"I was riding with Adam (Edge). The Canadians all adopted me for whatever reason. It was either I was riding with Jericho or Adam and Christian mainly and Lance (Storm). And so, Adam's driving and Funaki and maybe it was Taka (Michinoku). I don't know, but it's Edge driving and some other people and I look over there and I just Mitch Hedberg style, like I do, 'what if Funaki's first name was Kung?' and Adam about ran off the road laughing at that s--t, 'Kung Funaki?'. And then I break out into that song, 'everybody love Kung Fu Naki/that b---h be drinking saki/his body is short and stocky/he drives a Kawasaki' and that was the whole song. So anyway, when they did the song, I emailed Jim Johnston and said, 'hey, I don't know it you know this, but I actually wrote that song'. Yeah, it's based on Kung Fu Fighting song, but the words, they still used my lyrics. Yeah, I wrote the lyrics, not the notes. And I was like, 'I don't want any money'. I mean, I don't know how much money that song would have made anyway, but I just wanted to have that on the résumé, a little songwriting credit just for my own personal benefit that'll be cool. He refused to do it. Johnston refused to acknowledge me: wouldn't email me back, wouldn't return my calls. And I'm talking about several calls and several emails. Especially in the music industry, as Jericho well knows, that's a big no-no. If somebody writes the lyrics to the song, they get credit for that s--t. You can't just decide not to give it to them. And I know it might seem minuscule to people listening, but I made that gimmick up. That was my s--t. My idea. And he completely refused to do it and I hate that motherf--ker to this day."

He also shared a funny story about The Rock...

"Rock did something on that pretape that was interesting to me and I never forgot. He kept blowing the pretape, like he kept flubbing his lines and s--t. And I was just going, 'huh…' and then one time, he kind of flubbed one and then he turned at me and gave me a slight wink. He kept breaking it on purpose, so we would have to do it live and now we don't have to go 90 seconds. Now we can go as long as we want. But he can go as long as he wants. I'm the sidekick here! I remember that little wink like it was yesterday."


Sasha Banks vs Charlotte is official. WWE announced the rematch for the PPV today.


Today is the 50th anniversary of 1966, any excuse to celebrate our only win.

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