Saturday, July 23, 2016

Today's News

WWE toys:

WWE have unveiled a Stephanie McMahon WrestleMania 32 figure, Fred Ottman's first figures as Tugboat and Shockmaster, Corey Graves action figure debut, and a retro line, similar to the old Hasbro toys from the 80's and 90's.

Eden talks WWE resignation:

"I was already leaving before he left, so it wasn't a tough decision at all. The only thing that changed in me leaving was I just asked for it to be pushed up one month, and that was it. I was already leaving, and had not let them know yet. But, about three weeks out, I let them know I was not interested in re-signing. Him leaving quickly as he did and being granted his release fairly quickly just made it easier for me to say I'm ready to move on."


TNA almost scored a record viewing figure for their first show on Thursday night.


Breezango vs The Uso's will be the kickoff match.

Reigns return:

Roman Reigns returned at a live last night, attacking Seth Rollins to get Dean Ambrose his title belt back.

Special appearance at live:

Dory Funk was at an NXT live in Florida last night. He entered the ring, and was abused by Mandy Rose, before Bayley made the save.

PPV change:

WWE have confirmed that Clash Of The Champions is replacing Night Of Champions, as a Raw PPV special.

Simon Gotch:

Probably because of damage during his backstage fight with Sin Cara, Simon Gotch has been sent home from the road this weekend.

NXT injury:

Patrick Clarke was bust open on the NXT live tour last night.

Ricochet talks goals:

"I really want to be IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, which is now Kushida. I've challenged for it twice and I've yet to win, but I want to do that. There are a couple of things I want to do. Now my goal, I would like to be in the WWE one day. NXT, wherever, but there are still a couple of things I want to do. Like, Lucha's still going really well. It's still going really great."


Lita has left her backstage producer role in WWE, and will now be a full time PPV pre show analyst.

Angle Rocks:

The Rock has named Kurt Angle as the judge for his YouTube promo contest.

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