Sunday, July 24, 2016

Today's News

Rock names current favourite star:

The Rock has praised Kevin Owens as his current favourite member of the WWE roster.

Hurricane talks Shane McMahon turning up at WCW show:

"We got to TV and it was Panama, Panama City, Florida and there was a sign on one of the doors that said, like, either 'WWE' or 'McMahons' or something, but we still didn't believe it because they were so weird down there trying to work the boys. But we had a talent meeting, one of those good talent meetings and Shane McMahon walked into the room and that was the 'oh s--t'. It was silence and a little bit of 'oh', but that was the paradigm shift in the business right there. The war was over. He came in. He made some kind of weird comment toward Buff and Lex. It wasn't even weird. It was just Shane. You know Shane. 'Lex. Buff. How are you doing?' Very Vince almost as if he's his son. Almost. And we all caught onto that. That wasn't very subtle at all. And then Shane gave a very good speech, that they bought WCW and they were going to carry it forward. It's going to be it's own thing and we're like, 'okay, whatever'. Nobody knew, no matter what anybody says, nobody in that room knew what their future held after that night."


Tonight is WWE BattleGround. Many sites are reporting Bayley will be promoted to the main roster as Sasha Banks mystery partner, but she says no-one will be able to guess the identity of the person she has selected.

Goldberg hacked:

Bill Goldberg's social media was hacked last night.

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan's biog will be released on July 26.

Wrestlers get political:

Kane and X-Pac have expressed support for an independent Presidential hopeful, rather than supporting one of the major parties.

Stephanie reveals Vince shot down her creative plans for brand split:

"We were rehearsing the draft and I was up at the podium and I asked Vince a question, I was confused about how some of this was working. I gave him an idea, and he was stressed because we were going live. He said, 'how about you not give any new ideas at this point, even if they're really great ones?' This is the way that we're doing it, and no more!"

Power couple sell stock:

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon sold over a $100,000 of WWE stock this week.

Shield achieve goal:

Seth Rollins has revealed The Shield will achieve a goal they set themselves when they first got promoted together...

"When we started The Shield, this was the goal -- to fight each other for the WWE title and the top spot. So we're right where we wanted to be three years ago. It might not have all happened like we planned it, but the fact of the matter is, we're all right where we want to be."

Finn's first challenge:

Finn Balor's first main roster rival is set to be Chris Jericho.

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