Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Today's News

Shane elects his GM:

Shane McMahon has decided who will control his show, SmackDown. He will make the announcement on Raw next week.

Injury return:

Neville is back. He has a new look, and beat Bo Dallas in a pre show dark match before last nights TV's.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Dana Brooke vs Sasha Banks.
  • Dolph Ziggler vs Rusev.
  • Big Cass & Enzo vs The Club.
  • Kalisto vs Tyler Breeze.
  • Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens.
  • Dean Ambrose & Sami Zayn vs Kevin Owens & Seth Rollins.


  • A skit between Shane McMahon and R-Truth will likely be pulled, as the audio malfunctioned, and was aired without sound to the live crowd.
  • Darren Young debuted a new theme song.
  • Tommy Dreamer was backstage.
  • A party was held after the show, for Sami Zayn's 32nd birthday.


Charlotte & Dana Brooke vs Sasha Banks & A mystery partner was confirmed last night.

Heyman signs Ospreay:

During his one man show in London last night, Paul Heyman offered a contract to WWE feeder league Evolve, signed by Gabe Sapolsky.

WWE caught up in internet craze:

New mobile phone app 'Pokemon Go' is affecting the WWE, as their performance center is a ''Gym'' on the game. Apparently people are turning up to the Orlando facility to catch animated animals with their phones.

Vince McMahon was having fun with it today, tweeting an image of himself catching one of the creatures (A round black ball with eyes, and vampire teeth).

TNA debut:

Former ROH star, and WWE target, Moose, debuted for TNA last night.

TNA return:

Davey Richards of the Wolves returned to action last night.

Wyatt addresses TNA:

Bray Wyatt has addressed the Hardy's accusations of copying their angle...

''Love me or hate me, I am the single most creative thing this industry has seen this century. Constantly imitated, but there is only one me. Lest we forget, without Bray Wyatt perhaps no one would've been #Broken in the first place. Go ahead LIE and say it isn't true#IamTheWay.''

Matt Hardy responded by inviting Bray to his compound.

John Cena:

John Cena will host the Espy's tonight. Charlotte and Ric Flair will represent WWE at the show.

WWE star to White House:

The Rock says he is serious about plans to run for the highest office in the USA...

"Well it's very real. The idea of me becoming President one day has become a legit thing to some people. As time goes on, we take the temperature of the American people. If it is an overwhelming, positive, strong 'we want you to run for President', and if I felt that I can step up to the plate and become a tremendous leader and make a real difference and make change, I would do it."

Wade Barrett:

Wade Barrett has landed a leading role in an action movie.

Cena branching out:

John Cena has signed an entertainment deal, externally of WWE, for TV and online work.

Nowinski trapped in no win situation:

Chris Nowinski's foundation has been dragged into the WWE concussion lawsuits, and either way it turns out, will likely come out as a loser, as a result. If WWE win, their arguments would discredit the research his CTE group have done, research the plaintiffs are using against WWE, and if WWE lose, he will almost certainly lose his funding from WWE, as they would be unlikely to continue to fund research that will be used against them by any number of other former stars.

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