Saturday, July 16, 2016

Today's News

Brock busted:

USADA have informed Brock Lesnar that he failed one of his pre UFC 200 fight, drugs tests. His opponent Mark Hunt has furiously demanded half of Brock's stonking $2.5 million purse be given to him, or he will quit the MMA league.

WWE released a brief statement, that expressed no opinion on the matter. They simply stated that he has not appeared for them since WestleMania, and will not be back until SummerSlam.

UFC use USADA to be an independent arbiter of their drugs policy, and they say it will be them that decide Lesnar's punishment. They could fine him 50% of his fee ($1.25 million). He would also lose the result, it would be overturned, and would be banned from UFC for two years.

It could also mean he loses his SummerSlam match. If he is banned from competing in Nevada other markets may also recognise the ban, and New York is a state that recognises wrestling alongside MMA and boxing, as a combat sport, not as a form of entertainment.

Mania 30 controversy:

This may have been Paul Heyman having a bit of fun, but, at his last show in the UK last night he suggested Brock was not booked to beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania 30, but beat him up so badly, and hooked his leg in a way, it was impossible for Taker to get out. He also claimed WWE could not fire Brock for stealing the streak, so had to push him after to make it look planned. He claims proof of that is WWE did not have Brock's music ready to play at the conclusion of the bout.

He did later say that only 4 people knew what the result was going to be, whilst confirming he was kayfabing them.

CWC rewarded:

WWE have already signed two of the 32 cruiser stars, and have a list of others they plan on making approaches to, after their time on the cruiser show ends. Kota Ibushi and Gran Metalik are the stars that have agreed to NXT deals.

John Cena:

John Cena will appear in 'Tour De Pharmacy.' A mockumentary based on the sport of cycling.

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