Friday, July 8, 2016

Today's News

Brit makes history:

Scotsman Noam Dar is the first Israeli born wrestler to appear on WWE TV. He will do so as part of their Network cruiser show.

WWE tribute:

Aiden English wore an Eddie Guerrero shirt to a WWE live last night. He is married to his daughter Shaul.

CWC warning:

The winners of round 1 matches at the WWE cruiser competition have been warned to maintain their weight, at below 205 lbs, or they will not be allowed to compete again.

SummerSlam official:

Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton is now official. WWE made the announcement yesterday.

Ziggler inducted:

Dolph Ziggler has been named for the Kent State Hall Of Fame class of '16.

US title:

Rusev says he will not give Zack Ryder a shot at the US title on Raw, unless he asks him face to face.


Musician Billy Corgan paid for the last set of TNA TV taping's, rather than loan the promotion money for the shows.

Goldberg leaving:

Goldberg says he will move to Canada after this years presidential election in the States. He does not like either option.

Heath Slater:

Heath Slater has gone home to help with flood relief in West Virginia.

Christy Hemme talks baby scare:

"My baby was on my chest and my husband was right next to me. We're together, the three of us and he didn't know it was as serious as it was, but I just knew it was really bad and I was nervous. I never prayed harder in my life... I wanted to be there for my baby. I was just like, 'please let this baby have a mom'. It was the most traumatic situation of my whole life. I've never had a more grounding, life altering situation in my whole life than to come up on your own life."

Val Venis talks his role:

"When you guys called me that day, I remember Vince saying to me, 'We have this character, we want to see if you feel comfortable with it.' And then, he went into this whole thing, 'If you don't feel comfortable with it, it won't work--we need to have something you're comfortable doing.' Then he told me that the character was a former film star turn pro wrestler. The first thing that went through my head was - Hogan's done that, Ventura's done that, the whole Hollywood thing, eh. That's what I'm thinking in my head. Then Vince came back and said, 'The character is actually a former adult film star." Then, it was just like a snap of the fingers - I'M IN!"

Patterson denies gay claims:

Pat Patterson says he has never refused to hire someone for WWE because they weren't gay, or refused to offer sexual favours to the HOF'er...

''There are very good wrestlers who are never going to be the performer that Vince sees as the guy. The reality is: you have to convince the director of the movie that you're right for the part. Some guys are just not good enough for WWE. It's hard to meet with so many aspiring Superstars without letting down a few people along the way. I always liked to help the new guys. But I'm never personally on a mission, because if Vince doesn't hire them, there's not much I can do. Over the years, I've just ignored all casting-couch innuendo made toward me and my work at WWE. I was smarter than that. It still hurts, but there was really no way for me to defend myself. I became the disappointed wannabe wrestler's ultimate excuse for why they weren't offered a contract. And that's just silly. People who were unhappy used the fact that I am gay to get back at WWE. To all the people who have ever said they weren't hired because they were not gay, I can only say, "Guys, I'm sorry. You were just not good enough."


JBL gave a Rock signed WWE title belt to a charity he supports in Bermuda this week.

He has also been getting some mainstream media attention today, after blogging on the gun violence incidents in recent days...

Here is his take on the matter...

''The shootings in Dallas were despicable. Any killing of innocent people is despicable. My college room mate just retired from the Texas DPS after a distinguished career, he's one of the finest men I know-he could have been killed because of an idiot with a gun, who claims to have a cause. For what, why could he have been killed? Because he is white, a police officer?-he is one of most unbiased kind people in the world who just wants to watch his son play baseball-these are the lives that are impacted or could be impacted. It's time we think about what is going on, and stop it.
It's time we realize
--All police are not bad because there are a tiny percentage that is.
----All Muslims are not bad because there is a tiny percentage that is.
--All southern white Christians are not bad because there is a tiny percentage that is.
--All young black kids are not criminals because there is a tiny percentage that is.
--All immigrants are not murderers and rapist because there is a tiny percentage that is.

And, we can talk about, and condemn when necessary, that tiny percentage in any group while still having admiration for the group as a whole.

The hate and racism must stop. And, the only way to do that is to start with yourself and the world you can influence, if you don't speak up-you have chosen a side, and you should be ashamed for not having a backbone.

Darkness cannot bedrive out darkness-it must be driven out by light---Dr. Martin Luther King.

I heard a debate about gay marriage in Bermuda from some local 'politician'-saying that "what is next bestiality?" Are we Neanderthals to allow an idiot to say something like this? Show me a case of this 'slippery slope' (which doesn't exist) and I'll give you plenty of examples of genocide based on a mistaken view of a multiplicity of religions.

Do #BlackLivesMatter –ABSOLUTELY
Do #BlueLivesMatter –ABSOLUTELY
Do #AllLivesMatter –ABSOLUTELY.
Do I care if you support one cause over another? No, because they all need support because we are in this together.

The world is not falling apart, but we must stop the racist banter-and we can't allow politicians who are too stupid to run on a serious platform to blame race when they fail or when they want to create a diversion from the fact they aren't qualified for the job.

We must rise up, not down.

Who was first in North America? The Natives. Before them-who knows? Who was first in Bermuda? Marlin and wahoo, are we really arguing about this? We are all immigrants in these lands and it's up to us to make it better or screw it up.

I vote to make it better.''

Harper wraps:

Luke Harper has wrapped his horror film in New York this week. He also says his character was written to have a broken leg, to account for his knee brace, for his real injury.

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