Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Today's News


The USA Network approached WWE with interest in the rights to SmackDown because they want to increase their live programming. WWE agreed, feeling that it made sense to have all of their shows under one roof, so to speak. The change will be in early 2016.

SPOILERS!!! (For this week)...
  • Cesaro & Tyson Kidd vs New Day.
  • Curtis Axel vs Neville.
  • Alicia Fox vs Natalya.
  • Bray Wyatt vs Erick Rowan.
  • Bad News Barrett, Big Show & Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler & Roman Reigns.

TNA man banned:

Rampage Jackson has been refused the chance to compete with UFC, after a judge upheld a complaint by their rivals Bellator, who already had an active contract with the star, when he decided he didn't want to play with them anymore, and went to sign a new deal with UFC. UFC had been advertising him for an upcoming show, but have now confirmed the ruling means they cannot use him.

Ronda Rousey:

UFC star Ronda Rousey was asked about her interest in a match vs Stephanie McMahon at last years SummerSlam, however their were too many hurdles to get over to get a deal done for this year, WWE are said to be more confident of getting something in place for next years WrestleMania.


Batista spent Easter with Titus O'Neill and his family, before flying to London to continue filming the new James Bond movie.

RVD on WWE disappointment:

''I had some good matches because all the wrestlers up there are really good and I had some matches that I enjoyed with Seth (Rollins) and Cesaro. But, overall, it was nothing like the run the year before. 2013, I came back after many years off WWE television. They promoted it strong. Like maybe stronger than anybody's return before with the video packages of RVD coming back. When I came back, I delivered. Money In The Bank match in Philadelphia, that was awesome. That whole run I had a good time in 2013. In 2014, it was like they had nothing for me. No big intros, the writers seemed to not notice I was there. Like my music hit the day after Wrestlemania and I kinda just walked out like I had always been there. It was good but I don't think there was a lot of utilization put on RVD. That's really the big reason I'm not in a hurry to go back.''

Tough Enough:

Chris Jericho has already taken over the podcast host role on the WWE Network, and is now being lined up as the replacement for Steve Austin again. This time as the new head coach of the returning Tough Enough. Related to this WWE will also use a former Diva Search contestant as the host of the return of that show. Layla, Maryse, Michelle McCool, Eve Torres and Rosa Mendes are those being considered for the role.

Steiner speaks out:

Scott Steiner has spoken to TMZ about the Hogan incident. He played it down, saying he was talking smack, because he was mad that Hogan was inducting Macho Man into the WWE HOF, but added Mrs Hogan lied about the death threats, and claims Hulk is afraid of him.

NXT injury:

Hugo Knox has had surgery for a torn bicep this week.

WWE Alum talks Styles Clash:

Drew McIntyre says AJ Styles should avoid using the Styles Clash ''For now'' as it is an ''Unnatural bump'' and there has been ''A few incidents back to back''.

He went on to say he would be reluctant to take the move, but would like to work a match with AJ Styles, as he is someone he respects greatly.

Angle admits WWE snubbed him:

Kurt Angle has confirmed he stayed with TNA, after WWE, via Triple H, snubbed meeting him to discuss a return, he is not happy about it, and says he will never go back...

''Paul [Levesque] is in charge. I found that out when I contacted Vince. I’ve always had a good relationship with Paul, so I didn’t consider that a problem. But he decided they had enough talent. For the Vince McMahon who I knew, enough was never enough. He always wanted more. I don’t know what was going on over there, but they even canceled our meeting. I never went to see them. They didn’t even sit me down and talk to me.”


NWA have taken FIGHT NATION, a UK promotion, into their family of promotions, as they branch out into Europe.

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