Sunday, April 26, 2015

Today's News

WWE snub JR:

WWE have decided they will not air the 30 minute one man show Jim Ross did at the last NXT show. He was the warm up act for Mick Foley, whose own performance will be aired on the WWE Network.

WWE mark sad landmark:

WWE are remembering Connor The Crusher today, on the first anniversary of the Warrior Award winners death, at the age of 8.

Extreme Rules:

Tonight is Extreme Rules, here is the final card...

Steel Cage Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Title
Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins
Guardian of the Gate: Kane
The RKO is banned.

Russian Chain Match for the WWE United States Title
Rusev vs. John Cena

WWE Intercontinental Title Match
Bad News Barrett vs. Daniel Bryan

Note, Daniel Bryan is not in Chicago for the show, so this match is cancelled, Barrett will instead face Neville, in the pre show.

WWE Divas Title Match
Naomi vs. Nikki Bella

Kiss Me Arse Match
Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler

Last Man Standing Match
Big Show vs. Roman Reigns

Chicago Street Fight
Luke Harper vs. Dean Ambrose

Kickoff Pre-show: WWE Tag Team Title Match
The New Day vs. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd

Austin vs WWE:

Steve Austin says despite WWE sicking their lawyers on him over his T-Shirt store, he is still on good terms with the promotion, and will work with them again in the future, he provided no further details.

UFC ''Stun'' WWE:

WWE's creative plans have been thrown into the air after Dana White's comments regarding Ronda Rousey yesterday. The WWE creative team have been actively working on an angle, leading to a singles match between the UFC champion and Stephanie McMahon, and have been given no indication that UFC would block the match at any point, until the interview UFC boss White gave yesterday.

CM Punk:

CM Punk says he will not pick between a WrestleMania main event, or an ROH show in Chicago for his last match, as he has already worked his last match, and will not return to wrestling. He said he hated working Chris Hero, and felt awkward working Vince McMahon because of his age, and mixed messages. He was told to hit as hard as he always does, and not to do anything different than he would with another opponent, by Vince McMahon, and he agreed, but was then pulled aside by Triple H who told him not to do that, as he is an old man.

He also killed rumours of AJ Lee's pregnancy.

Top star leaving WWE tonight?:

Dolph Ziggler has posted a tweet that may suggest tonight will see his departure from the WWE...

''Caddy, cheerleader or guy who almost wins, I love a challenge! If this is it, bet your ass I'm going out swingin''

WWE star ready to retire:

Mark Henry says he is ready to go, when WWE tell him they no longer want him...

"I'm getting long in the tooth for professional wrestling. WWE's been very good to me. I plan on being involved with the WWE until they no longer want me around, but I'm definitely making the transition to film and TV."

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