Thursday, April 30, 2015

Today's News

Austin to TNA:

Steve Austin has been in talks with Dixie Carter today. He interviewed her for his podcast. The interview will air next week.

WWE, you're no fun:

Scott Stanford from the WWE announce team posted a parody Tough Enough application video to YouTube, but WWE had it taken down all three times he posted it.


Goldust has been having some problems with his shoulder. This is the reason for his medical checks yesterday. He assured his fans the tests are merely a precautionary measure.


NXT have named their next special ''Unstoppable''.


WWE are planning a huge face turn, plot twist, name change, and major push for Lana. They will, at the request of Vince McMahon, who is a massive fan, reveal her to be American, as she turns on Rusev, and will start to call her CJ, partly because it is the abbreviation of her real name, and partly because they want to make her character a Pamela Anderson type (A blonde glamour puss). Pamela had the same name during her time on the show ''Baywatch.'' She will then be pushed as the top female face of the WWE going forward, they have not stated whether or not that will include her getting in the ring as a grappler, or if they plan on using her as they used to with Sunny.

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair is preparing for his first podcast this week. His guest will be Kurt Angle.

Seth Rolllins:

Seth Rollins was reportedly asked to stop using the curb stomp by WWE legal. This comes in response to the concussion lawsuits WWE have been served with by former stars.

TNA pay issues:

TNA production crew are still reportedly waiting for their pay for March, and an un-named TNA wrestler demanded to be paid in full, or he would jump to Jeff Jarrett's new GFW promotion. Dave Meltzer claims that the office ignored the ultimatum, until he broke the story, at which point they ''Straightened the issue out quickly.''

Ronda Rousey:

Stephanie McMahon is expected to address the Ronda Rousey situation tonight, as she is interviewed by Chris Jericho on the Network. WWE still hope to get an agreement for a match at next years WrestleMania, and are adamant that, despite Dana White shutting talks of a Rousey WWE match down, the planned bout is not a dead deal, and that they have plenty of time to sort something out.

WWE Network:

WWE are happy with the response to the King Of The Ring Network special, and are planning more Tuesday night live exclusive specials for the channel, to be aired after the SmackDown taping.


GFW have hired Scott D'Amore and Sonjay Dutt to the office, and Dutt is contacting talent offering as many as 39 dates. Top of their list is reportedly Roderick Strong, with the Dudley Boys, Chris Masters and Shelton Benjamin also said to have received a phone call from Sonjay in recent days.

Jarrett has however denied Eric Bischoff is involved in the project. He accused UK fans of reading too much into their comments at a recent Q&A session.

Top stars go home:

Randy Orton and John Cena have been given this weekend off.

The Miz tells wrestling fans why they don't like Roman Reigns:

"Everyone is entitled to their opinion, that is now a problem, but the fact is Roman Reigns works hard. A lot of the things you read are like, 'they system is giving him the push.' It's like who cares if it is or it isn't? The guy is talented, the guy is good at what he does. If WWE ignored him they'd love him even more. They like people that it's like, 'we made him.' Like Daniel Bryan."

WWE financial:

WWE have reported drastic drops in the buy rate for the early events of 2015, but put it down to those events being available on the Network this year, when they were not last. They have actually seen a 40% rise in their revenues for the first quarter of the year. They did however say they are considering raising the price of the Network for the months of WrestleMania, and SummerSlam each year, but that plans are not currently in place to do so. They also conceded WrestleMania being in the first quarter of this year, rather than the second, helped in the spike in earnings for this quarter.

The positive report did not go down as well as hoped, their share price dropped by $2 from $15.44 per share to $13.25.

Tough Enough:

Zack Ryder's best bro the Big O, is one of the latest stars to apply for Tough Enough. Here is his video...

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