Thursday, April 23, 2015

Today's News

Seth Rollins:

Seth Rollins has commented on if he was told he was winning the WWE Title on the night of Mania...

"It may or may not be true. I'm going to leave that one to mystery!."

Shane Helms talks TNA future:

''My phone blew up once that happened (Tazz leaving). A lot of people just assumed it was gonna be me, but I have no idea. They hired me as an agent/producer. I'm very excited about that. I did really well on my first trip in, so I'm excited about doing that and seeing how far I can go with that. But if they want me to do commentary, apparently I'm pretty good at talking s--t, so I'll be happy to do it.''

Triple H reveals move he won't take:

Triple H says the one move he refuses to take in the ring is the shoulder to the ring post shot. He says he does not possess the necessary coordination to be able to duck between the ropes in time.

Diva's news:

WWE are going to push two women to the top of the card in the coming weeks. Lana, and Eva Marie, who has been working one on one with Brian Kendrick for weeks, to improve her ring work for the push.

Samoe Joe:

Samoa Joe is expected to start work for WWE in June.

NXT's next big thing:

Dylan Miley is high on the WWE radar due to his size and look. He is 6'3, and has enormous hands. He debuted at WrestleMania Axxess, but has not appeared on TV as yet.

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan is almost certainly missing Extreme Rules, and WWE are now unsure about his availability for Payback too.

Ric Flair talks TNA days, hopes of a WWE ring return:

"Good by whose standards? Ric Flair standards or TNA standards? Could I entertain them, yeah. I was far from being Ric Flair back then. I just got bored. I missed the business. There are nice people there. Dixie's [Carter] a nice person. Hulk [Hogan] talked me into it and I went with it. I love Kurt Angle, I love Sting, and I love James Storm. I have a lot of friends [in TNA] that I still think the world of. It wasn't like I was working. It wasn't like I was Ric Flair. I can always talk. I can talk tomorrow if they want me to and I can get bumped around. I just have to keep my clothes on because cosmetics is a major issue at this point (laughs). Even though I look good, I look really good for my age. I hate that saying more than anything else ... 'you really look good for your age.' Hey, how about 'screw you buddy (laughs).' I want to look good because I look good not just for my age. It's a cosmetic issue, not a health issue. I could wrestle tomorrow. I wouldn't want to be in the main event of WrestleMania but if I had to wrestle Hogan tomorrow I could pull that off or a guy like Kane. He's the best in the world. I could wrestle Randy Orton blindfolded."

Top star working sick:

John Cena says he worked this weeks TV's with a 100 degree fever.

TNA pay issues:

Trouble is brewing between TNA talent, and their production team. The production crew were finally paid, 70 days late, and $1000 down on what they were owed, for their work on the UK tour earlier this year, but are furious that talent were paid in full, after the news of the pay problems broke on the net, with their outstanding monies docked to be able to make up the cheques for the wrestling roster, they allege.

Morale is said to be completely shot, and trust with the office is at an all time low.

Punk vs Kenta:

The CM Punk vs Kenta feud is back, Punk replied to a Matt Jackson tweet that he would never steal another wrestlers finisher, referring to Kenta (Hideo Itami) using the GTS move at WrestleMania Axxess. Kenta, who always used the move before joining WWE, replied...

''He is a real comedian.''

Taker to WCW:

Kevin Nash says he almost got an agreement from The Undertaker to join WCW in 2000, but Vince threw money at him to get him to change his mind...

"We had 'Taker close. All of a sudden he wasn't the Deadman. He became the American Badass for a reason. That Deadman wasn't going to f—kin' come to WCW. He would have been the biker character and gone by Mark Calaway. All along, I was trying to get guys money, and what happened was Vince started giving huge guarantees to the Shawns and Undertakers and those guys and said, 'I can't lose my core guys.'"

I call BS on this... don't believe it for a minute.

During the same interview, which also featured Scott Hall and X-Pac, Hall said of Chris Jericho...

"Jericho's just a whining p--s. If you have any talent, you can't be held back and you can't be held down. Jericho just whines and whines. He's gone on to be tremendously successful, and he's still got a hard on for us. I don't get it, but nobody makes headlines for saying, 'Those guys are great guys. You talk about what d—-ks we are, and then some guy sits down and interviews you."

To which X-Pac added...

"Jericho realized, once he got to WWE, 'Holy s—, I don't know what the f—ck I'm doing here. That's why Vince made him come to me and run his matches by me, even he was working with Boss Man or something. You think you know, until you finally know."

Triple H talks accusations of burying talent:

"That's one of the terms, 'he buried him.' It's a show. Comic books, soap opera, TV drama, it never ends. They get so upset in the moment of thinking that it's the end of the chapter. There's another chapter tomorrow. They don't understand the complexities of what goes on behind the scenes."

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