Friday, April 17, 2015

Today's News

Tommy Dreamer:

Tommy Dreamer has signed an international TV deal for his House Of Hardcore promotion. He has joined up with the Fight Network in Canada.

NXT going global:

William Regal told fans on the European tour that NXT would ''Soon'' be making international trips, in small venues around the world. The tour should be underway within 18 months.

WWE awarded:

WWE have won awards for their Network, and social media content.

TNA star leaves:

Great Sanada has officially been removed from the TNA roster, meaning his time with them is over.

NXT return:

Mojo Rawley returned at an NXT live last night.

Miz written out:

The Miz will be written out of the stories on Raw next week. He will be going away to make a movie.

TNA pay issues:

The TNA pay problems are worse than they are letting on. The production staff are also not being paid, and when they are it is short of the amount owed, and freelance workers are still waiting on cheques for work done as much as three months ago.

WCW champion weds:

Former WCW champion David Arquette has married a TV star this week.

Kinda gutted about this, I thought he was still married to Gail Weathers from the Scream movies.

WWE slammed as racist:

Indy star Cedric Alexander has blasted the WWE group New Day as backward and racist.

He says he refused a chance to perform for WWE, as a rosebud, because of the extremely offensive group, and the way they are demeaning three incredibly athletic, powerful and intelligent black men, by turning them into singing and dancing buffoons.

WWE stars in TV ad:

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon appear in this ad for a drink...

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