Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Today's News


Chyna is causing her fans some concern after posting a disturbing video to her YouTube account.

Austin vs WWE:

Steve Austin has finally given his side of the current tensions with WWE, and he says there are none. He claims he had no fixed plans to attend Mania, that he did not snub the hosting role of Tough Enough, he had to turn it down due to scheduling conflicts, and that his podcasts did not cause any tensions, WWE simply decided to give someone else a go, and he was happy to move on in a different direction.

WWE make change after heat:

WWE were attacked by mainstream media for bringing Michael Cole back to TV just a week after his neck injury, WWE, to avoid criticism, decided to, against Vince McMahon's judgement, send Byron Saxton out to fill Cole's spot on the announce team.

Always interesting to me how quickly mainstream media like to jump on stories about the business, but how little time they spend researching what they are talking about. Word of advice to those behind this story, look up the word ''Kayfabe''.

Hall Of Famer fail:

Scott Hall accidentally tweeted a number of pictures of scantily clad women to his social media this week. The pictures were stills from video chats he had done, they were very quickly removed.

Extreme Rules:

Bad News Barrett will challenge Daniel Bryan for the Intercontinental Title, and Nikki Bella will be challenged by the winner of a Diva's battle royal on Raw UK next week.

WWE vs fans:

There was somewhat of a fan revolt on Raw yesterday. Security were removing any negative signs about Roman Reigns before allowing fans in to the arena, in response a decent number of fans upped and left before the main event, a match that featured Roman Reigns trying to earn a WWE Title shot.

Steiner wanted by police:

Scott Steiner is wanted on terrorism charges after the altercation with Hulk Hogan's wife. He allegedly told her he was going to kill Hogan when they arrived in San Jose, and grabbed Mrs. Hogan's baggage from the airport terminal. Upon arriving Hogan met his wife and they went to file a complaint to police, who are using surveillance footage of the incident as part of the investigation against him.

Stephanie gone for a month:

Stephanie McMahon has reportedly gone on a world wide tour of business leaders. They will visit 42 destinations in the next 4-5 weeks, meaning she will not be on TV for that time. Each member of the group will visit two locations each, it is not clear which countries Stephanie will be spending her time in.

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee knew she was going to retire at WrestleMania, but WWE did not. AJ was concerned that if she told WWE officials she was leaving before the event, WWE would change the match result, to bury her before she left. She was not bothered about herself, but did not want to ruin her partner Paige's first WrestleMania moment.

Quit my son:

It is reported that Sika was so angry with WWE at WrestleMania, after the main event result change, that he demanded his son Roman Reigns quit the company. Sika's former partner Afa placated him some what, and Roman was said to be fine about the change, and showed no interest in acting on his dad's advice to leave.

WWE sign new TV deal:

WWE are taking SmackDown to the USA Network. The new deal will also see the return of Tough Enough, on the same channel. Tough Enough will start in June, SmackDown will make the move in the first quarter of 2016.

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