Thursday, April 2, 2015

Today's News

WWE movie:

The Miz and Paige have won the lead roles in a new WWE Christmas movie.

TNA star leaves:

Garrett Bischoff has been removed from the TNA roster page, suggesting he is no longer affiliated with the promotion. He has not actually appeared for them since late 2013, so this should not come as much of a surprise to him.

Total Diva's cast change:

Cameron and Rosa Mendes have been dropped for the new season, with Naomi returning to the show.

Feminist blogger slams WWE crowd:

She Knows Best were not happy with this weeks Raw fans...

''During the match, the rowdy crowd took turns chanting, "You suck Cena," to Nikki Bella and, "You suck Bryan," to Brie Bella. It didn't stop there, though. Nikki is, of course, dating famed good-guy wrestler John Cena and Brie is married to wrestler Daniel Bryan. Natalya, who is married to wrestler Tyson Kidd, also heard chants of, "You suck Tyson." And Jimmy Uso's wife and Diva Naomi was taunted with, "You suck Uso." Totally classy, right?. None of the ladies commented on the super-sexist chants and neither did the WWE. The silence from the WWE is especially disconcerting considering that the organization is now "run" by Stephanie McMahon. Way to stick up for your girls, Steph.''

Ronda Rousey:

UFC have squashed reports that Ronda Rousey has signed a WWE deal, and will be back at Hell In A Cell later this year, where she will compete against Stephanie McMahon. They say her appearance at WrestleMania was a ''One off''.

Anoa'i family furious with WWE:

WWE Hall Of Famer Sika, father of Roman Reigns, is among a large number of Anoa'i family members left furious with the result of WrestleMania. One official said Sika was determined to start a war backstage, after his son's planned WWE title win came to nothing at the super show. The family made the trip to see Rikishi go into the Hall Of Fame, but had also been led to believe that Roman was going over in the big one.

Why Steiner was banned:

Scott Steiner was banned from the WWE Hall Of Fame. This is because of an ''Extremely ugly'' incident with Hulk Hogan's wife Jennifer on a plane to the event. WWE were so disgusted by the incident that they posted a picture of Scott to every entrance, ensuring security knew he was not to be allowed into the event under any circumstance.

WrestleMania 33:

New Minnesota Stadium in Minneapolis, Minnesota is favourite to win Mania 33 in 2017. The venue will open next year, and can hold 63,000 people. Orlando and Philadelphia are also planning on bidding for the event.


Gerald Brisco has denied WWE interest in UFC fighter Phil Baroni, who has been claiming he has a WWE contract waiting to be signed.

Another UFC old boy has declared he is interested in making the switch to WWE. Matt Riddle says...

''I grew up watching WWE, so of course I want to go that route. It's just like fighting, if you fight and you want to be the best or fight at all you want to do it in the UFC. At the same time I'd still gladly wrestle in Japan, the independents or other places.''

Why NXT star quit:

CJ Parker decided to quit WWE despite being very popular, as he realised, that after four years, he was no closer to main roster promotion. He wants to go to Japan to further his training and skills, and has been promised a WWE return will be waiting for him, when he is ready to come back.

WWE heat:

WWE are getting huge heat for the Michael Cole storyline. Fans and media criticise the kayfabe cervical injury they say Cole suffered, coming so soon after the very real injury that took the life of Perro Aguayo just a couple of weeks ago.

Sheamus is also (Unfairly as it turns out) in trouble. He has been accused of working recklessly vs Daniel Bryan on SmackDown this week, causing a cut to Bryan's face, which will air on the broadcast. In actuality it seems it was Bad News Barrett that really did the damage to Bryan.

WCW fans have also attacked the use of Sting at the show, one calling the WWE treatment of their man ''A mockery''. This drew a response from Sting's manager, who said what happened at Mania was one night in a 25 year career, and fans should not exaggerate what the result meant in the wider scheme of things.

WWE stars gone until SummerSlam:

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are not scripted to return to WWE until August, although WWE know how hot Lesnar currently is, and they do reserve the option to bring the return, and angle vs The Authority, forward at any time.

WWE tribute:

Sin Cara is currently working with the word ''Perro'' written on his gloves, in memory of Perro Aguayo Jr.

WWE vs Austin:

Steve Austin did not inform WWE that he was not going to be at Mania. The company had a car waiting for him at the airport, and Vince McMahon was said to be livid when he no showed. Steve Austin will declare why he chose to snub the show on his next podcast, but it is rumoured to be relating to a fall out between Steve and Vince over the content of the famous podcast interview they did together. Austin has also turned down a return as host of Tough Enough, which will soon return to the WWE Network.


The title change at the end of Mania was planned, but no-one was told. Roman Reigns was told he would be going over, and would be winning the belt, but during the Rock segment on the night Michael Hayes called Lesnar, Heyman, Reigns and Seth Rollins into a room, where he told them the plan for the final minute of the show, and they worked through ideas for how they would enact the new angle.

New title:

WWE have commissioned a new United States Championship belt.


Goldust is preparing to move into a training role with NXT, at least on a part time basis, and WWE have asked Vader to move to Florida to join the NXT team.

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