Saturday, April 18, 2015

Today's News

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan was diagnosed with a concussion during the European tour. WWE doctors think the injury happened two weeks ago in a match vs Sheamus, but the symptoms did not emerge fully until they made the trip to the UK. WWE pulled him as soon as they realised the extent of his injury, and sent him home. There are already calls for Daniel to be stripped of the IC title.

Lilian Garcia:

Lilian Garcia has had her knee injury since the last European tour. She has revealed she was carrying her suitcase from the hotel to the bus when she felt her knee ''Go''. WWE have been monitoring the situation ever since, and the two sides felt this was the perfect time to finally get the surgery done. She will be benched for 6 weeks.

Legend arrested:

Missy Hyatt was arrested in Florida for grand theft recently. If convicted she could face up to five years in jail.

Million Dollar truth:

Ted DiBiase Sr. has revealed he laughed in Eric Bischoff's face when he told him his plans to put WWE out of business...

"The difference between Eric Bischoff and Vince McMahon is Vince McMahon knows how to create a star. Eric took a company and took it down. I remember a conversation one night after one of the shows, and Eric said he was going to put Vince out of business. I just laughed at him and said 'are you kidding me?' Even if Vince retreats a little bit, he ain't going away. I don't think you or anybody else are going to run him out of business."

Bad News for Manc star:

Bad News Barrett says he does not think Wayne Rooney could cut it at WWE level...

"I think Wayne Rooney would be great in the WWE – I mean he's universally hated. He's very good at getting booed, very good at getting a reaction. He's obviously a great athlete, the question is; is he up to the task of stepping into the ring with some of the toughest guys in the world like me? That remains to be seen."


TNA's senior exec in charge of social media content has quit. TNA are advertising for his replacement on their website.

The company have announced an all female episode of Impact next week.

Brian Blair reveals why WWF reneged on a tag title reign for the Killer Bees:

"Vince found out that Jimmy (Brunzell), Jesse Ventura and a few other guys were discussing starting a union. So Vince decided to give everyone a two-week vacation. For some reason Vince never forgot about that and I think it cost us the WWF Tag Team Championships for sure but looking back on it, I've had lot of titles and so has Jimmy so even though they are prestigious belts in my heart I feel like I did what I needed to do because every single night I worked as hard as I could for every fan that sacrificed their dollars to watch us perform. Whether it was 100 people of 5,000 people I performed to the best of my ability and always wanted to give the fans their money's worth."

Rock record:

The Rock's new movie Fast 7 has broke through $1 Billion at the box office. This earned the movie the record of the fastest live action flick to earn the achievement of the figure, and marks the first time a Universal picture has earned the landmark amount.

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