Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Today's News

Major news from NXT... or not:

WWE had announced NXT will host a monthly two hour Network special from now on, only to realise they had botched a press release and had to retract, later confirming that they would continue to host one special every quarter (3 months).

Diva's domination:

WWE are working on a major change in their handling of the Diva's, this will include a heel turn and push for Emma. This, according to Stephanie and The Bella's, could one day lead to a Diva's match headlining a WWE PPV event.

Also on the Diva's, Tamina is starting her road to return, she has been injured for close to a year, but is booked for the upcoming European tour.

NXT star quits:

CJ Parker has asked for, and been granted, his release from NXT. Despite quitting the day before WrestleMania, WWE allowed him to stay on to work the NXT Axxess events.

WWE Champion controversy:

Seth Rollins has his partner in his pre WrestleMania sex tape controversy travelling with him, as he does the media rounds. NXT trainee Zahra tweeted she was on a whirlwind travel regime this week, leading to speculation she was with Rollins, that was today confirmed when she was pictured getting out of a car, which was carrying the new champion to an event.

WWE deny blading story:

WWE have released a statement denying allowing Brock Lesnar to blade at WrestleMania...

"WWE programming is TV-PG and we don't permit intentional bleeding. The communication or contact between our performers and referees is part of our safety protocol. That said, unintentional blood sometimes occurs, and we do our best to minimize."

WWE lawsuit:

The lawyer filing multiple lawsuits against WWE has done a radio interview, and denied money is his main goal in his anti WWE work, but claims that ''Thousands'' have suffered brain damage as a result of their WWE careers, and WWE need to be held to account. He says he is embarking on the biggest job of his career, and says his actions against the company could go on for years, as the amount of former stars that have contacted him to launch writs of their own, is growing by the day.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Big Show vs Randy Orton.
  • Naomi vs Natalya.
  • The Miz vs R-Truth.
  • Dean Ambrose vs Luke Harper.
  • Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus.


John Cena was over huge, with a patriotic promo, and promises of defending the US Title every week, leading to Rusev demanding a rematch at Extreme Rules, and Sheamus was mocked with ''You look stupid chants'' in the main event.

Bray Wyatt worked the pre show match to try his ankle out, and Tom Phillips replaced Michael Cole on comms, as Cole continues to sell his Raw injuries..

Extreme Rules:

Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton (WWE Title) and John Cena vs Rusev (United States Title) have been confirmed for the next WWE PPV.

Movie wraps:

Lana will be back on TV full time next week, her movie with Edge finished taping today.

Hideo Itami:

WWE changed the NXT star in the Battle Royal at the last minute. They were planning on using Finn Balor or Adrian Neville to represent NXT, but when the match was dropped onto the pre show, decided they did not need to, and took advantage of Hideo Itami's fame in Japan, to give him the spot, as there was a large number of Japanese media in town, covering Tatsumi Fujinami's HOF induction.

Hall Of Fame heat:

WWE officials are upset with Shawn Michaels and Alundra Blayze for their performances at the Hall Of Fame ceremony. Alundra used ''Adult'' language, and was criticised for praising Eric Bischoff, and Shawn Michaels tore his script up and made his speech off the cuff. WWE are mad at him for using offensive words too, He said ''Strap'' when referring to the championship, and ''Wrestler''.

WWE are also mad at Kevin Nash, they were adamant that they wanted to induct him as Diesel, but Diesel flatly refused, he does not want to be remembered as the worst drawing champion in history, and wants to use the credibility HOF induction can bring, to help his career in other fields of media. He feels induction under his own name would facilitate that better. WWE now have a decision to make on a future NWO group induction. WWE were also unhappy with Nash talking about his pride in his WCW career, he re-opened some old wounds from the Monday Night Wars with his comments about wrestler contracts, Vince in particular took it personally.

The whole ceremony did not go down well, it ran too long and lacked excitement, bar The Bushwhackers, who were praised for a perfect mix of character and past stories in their speech.

Taker vs Sting:

The Undertaker told WWE officials that he feels great, and will work next years WrestleMania. That match is looking likely to be vs Sting. The two men spent a lot of time together over Mania weekend, including sharing a locker room, and travelling back to Texas together. They talked about the possibility of working each other, at length, and both men are very much open to the idea of the bout.

Heel Turn:

New Day are starting a heel turn. Big E deliberately got the name of the town SmackDown was hosted in last night, wrong, and has been ranting on wrestling fans rudeness, selfishness, and arrogance on his Twitter today.

Rapper banned from WWE:

WWE fanatic Wale says the fan incident last year has cost him his relationship with WWE, he wants a second chance to be able to attend shows again.


Fans have noted that WWE were a lot less effusive with their use of Pyro at WrestleMania this year. They had to draw back on fireworks as the arena was situated underneath a flight path.

Warrior returning to WWE:

WWE are very impressed with Dana, wife of the late Ultimate Warrior, and hope to use her more often on WWE TV in the future.

Announcer injuries:

Michael Cole suffered a bulging disc in his neck, and is looking to take legal action against WWE and Brock Lesnar, JBL shook his injury off initially, but could not sleep, and was in excrutiating pain, so went to hospital, where doctors found he had torn his abdomen and had to undergo surgery to repair the damage, and Booker T has a concussion and soreness. All of this is kayfabe, to sell the assault by Brock Lesnar on Raw.

Disney Rock's:

The Rock has signed on to star in ''Moana'', a new Disney movie.

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