Sunday, April 5, 2015

Today's News

Dusty Rhodes:

Dusty Rhodes has announced he is to launch a podcast.

Daniel Bryan heat:

Daniel Bryan was admonished for a line in his Hall Of Fame speech for Connor The Crusher Michalek. He said ''What we do is fictional''. The line was cut from going to air, but WWE informed Bryan that it was not an acceptable comment to be made in that setting.

WWE vs AJ Lee:

AJ Lee has reportedly decided to end her wrestling days, but should she decide to work the indies in the future, she would have to wait. WWE have informed her they will enforce her contract for it's duration. They do not expect her to continue to work for them, now she is done with the sport, but will not allow her to work for others, during her still active WWE deal, either.

Alex Riley took a shot on Twitter today, writing he was going to get the date of her retirement tattooed on his neck. This was a source of backstage abuse during AJ's WWE career, she was mocked and criticised for getting the date of her first WWE Diva's Championship win tattooed on her own neck. The joke did not go down well, he has been getting heat from fans all day.


Zack Ryder has commissioned Ghostbusters themed ring attire.

WrestleMania fan robbed:

A Polish man was befriended by a crook on the way to WrestleMania. The thief tricked the Pole into travelling with him to the event via public transport, and at some point during the trip stole his hotel key card. He got off the bus, went back to the hotel, and ransacked it, taking a computer, cash, and other valuables. WWE officials were informed of what happened, and helped him, although details of what they did have not been made public.

Vince vs Austin:

The reason for the tensions between WWE and Steve Austin, leading to Stone Cold no-showing WrestleMania, have emerged. Vince is furious with the line of questioning Steve used in his interview with Triple H, in particular the question relating to Chyna going into the Hall Of Fame. This led to an awkward response from Hunter, an angry backlash from Chyna, and bad press and embarrassment for the company.

Austin was given carte blanche on his interviews, and told he could ask anything, and he did.

Chris Jericho will be the WWE Network podcast host from now on, but he has told WWE he will not be leant on, and will do the show his way.

Announcer heat:

Vince McMahon was furious with Byron Saxton at Raw this week. WWE felt he messed up his big chance, after the Lesnar attack took out the other announcers, and Vince sent Jerry Lawler out to try to save his performance. They also had Michael Cole in the back feeding Saxton his lines, to try to get more out of him, without the desired results. Vince refused to speak with Saxton after the show.

Renee Young was considered for the solo announce role, but it was decided she should continue in the backstage role for now, although she is impressing everyone in the back, now including Vince, so her chance to become the lead Raw announcer is likely coming sooner rather than later.

No heat:

Michael Hayes says their is no heat between the Anoa'i family and WWE after Mania, but Dave Meltzer is sticking to his sources, and says the family are still mad at the title match change, citing six different sources.

Why I quit:

Ted DiBiase Jr. has revealed why he really left WWE...

"There was a time in my career that I forgot what got me there, and I lost sight of my priorities, and my priorities shifted. All of a sudden I couldn't make enough money, I couldn't become famous enough, and I wanted more. I woke up one day and I hated the person I saw, because I had this moment staring in the mirror where I hated that guy. The Lord led me to 1 John 2:15 which says 'Do not love the world or anything in the world for if you do, the love of the Father is not in you.' I left WWE without real security, and know that I serve a big God. It's been the hardest, most trying, most amazing year or so of my life. I've grown as a man, as a father and as a husband."

Mr Loverman:

John Cena has brought rapper Wiz Khalifa and his wife Amber Rose back together. The singers had split, but Cena urged the rapper to reach out and try to salvage their relationship, during their recording sessions together, and Khalifa took his advice, and has successfully rekindled his relationship.

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