Friday, April 10, 2015

Today's News

New Alumni:

WWE have added the hosts of the newest ECW DVD to their Alumni roster. The Blue Meanie, and multiple time Hardcore Champion Stevie Richards.

Jim Ross:

WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross has confirmed his role in getting a WWE tryout for the Von Erich boys, sons of Kevin Von Erich, and that he did have talks with Lucha Underground, but could not agree on terms.

CJ Parker talks NXT under HHH:

''Everything. It was everything times 100. The roster got bigger, the coaching staff got bigger, the facility got bigger, what was expected of you as a performer got bigger. It went from FCW to NXT and got bigger, badder and better. It was classic WWE. When they want something to take off, it does. That's exactly what the developmental system did in the past couple years. We didn't do as many live events [in 2011]. There weren't as many people coming to the live events that we did do for FCW. The TV show obviously changed a lot. There was one camera then, instead of four or five at Full Sail. NXT at Full Sail is like a mini-Raw. Back in FCW, it was pretty much like a live event with one camera. There wasn't really much pressure on you. But everything got bigger. We became stars in a way. At FCW, nobody really knows you, it was on its own island from the rest of the WWE. But then, when Triple H put his hand into it and put the time and energy into the developmental system, it grew and became its own brand. And that's exactly what NXT is, it's not really developmental anymore, it's the third brand.''

Indy group land TV deal:

Paragon have signed a deal with Pop. Starting in June, the deal is a multi year agreement.

More former WWE stars suing WWE:

Luther Reigns, Sakoda, and a former NXT man have joined the list of stars suing their former employers.

Sakoda claims he and other talents were "forced to wrestle injured or you lost your job" and that WWE did not discuss or treat concussions. Sakoda alleges that WWE is operated by "intimidation and abuse" and that WWE disregarded his health and safety to the point that it left him traumatized. Sakoda says he suffered a concussion after taking a superkick in 2013 but WWE medical staff just told him not to go to sleep or he might die. Sakoda claims he suffers from numerous symptoms including memory loss, severe depression, severe migraines and headaches.

NXT old boy Ross McCullough claims he was knocked unconscious during a WWE event in Cincinnati, Ohio and was then beat with 15 chairshots without WWE trainers intervening. McCullough claims WWE stated "not our problem" when he reported the issue. McCullough claims he's still suffering from numerous symptoms including severe depression, severe migraines, memory loss, headaches and panic attacks that have resulted in over 40 emergency room visits since he retired from the ring.

Reigns is alleging that there was a "code of silence" in WWE regarding head injuries and he suffered numerous concussions/injuries that went untreated. Reigns claims he was once knocked out by Big Show and even though he vomited afterwards, he was not provided any kind of treatment. The suit notes that Reigns suffered a stroke in the past and suffers from post-concussion symptoms today including severe fatigue, dizziness and severe short term and long term memory loss. The suit says Reigns is unable to remember much of his life.

WWE, as with previous suits, have declared they will fight the actions vigorously.

Lanny Poffo talks HOF induction of Randy Savage:

"I kind of knew about for over a year that Randy was going to go in… then when they (WWE) actually officially released that they were going to induct him (Savage), I wasn't sure if I was going to be the one to induct him. Everybody was saying that Hogan was going to be the one to induct him, but I just thought I'd be common sense for it to be me. I felt relived because we are not going to punish the fans anymore. Now the fans are going to have to find something else to be punished about. I feel relieved, like a big burden has been lifted and I'm glad that the speech was well received."

WWE injury:

Lilian Garcia has torn her meniscus and will have surgery today.

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