Saturday, April 4, 2015

Today's News

AJ Lee:

Well the internet has gone a little loopy over the retirement of AJ Lee. Speculation is rife as to the reason. Let's deal with some of the theories, and what we know...

  • The WWE statement says AJ has retired from ''In ring competition'' not that she was leaving the company. This is true, but WWE have moved her onto the Alumni page, so I think it is likely that she is gone.
  • AJ knew she was going to retire at Mania. Until AJ Lee tells us, that is supposition, although fans noted that when she embraced Paige after their bout, she did say ''Thank you'', and ''I love you'', which could be something, or nothing IMO.
  • AJ is pregnant. This is a possibility. Fans have, since the announcement, drawn extra meaning into two pictures posted to social media by NXT star Bayley, over Mania weekend. One was tagged ''Were expecting... a win''. This coupled with AJ taking a minimal role in the Mania match, Paige fought the bout alone for the large part, has raised questions, but she worked a match on Raw the night after Mania, and there is no way WWE would allow her to work a match if she knew she was having a baby.
  • She is going to follow CM Punk into UFC. Again, until AJ makes an announcement, we can't know that for sure.

Her colleagues and rivals have praised her, and wished her well, with Nikki Bella noting that the Diva's division had suffered a huge loss.


WWE are interested in a return to their old stomping ground of the Manhattan Center in New York, the same venue TNA use for their show, when they visit New York.

CJ Parker:

CJ Parker has signed up for his first post WWE match. He will wrestle for CZW.

WWE Hall Of Fame:

WWE made Alundra Blayze returning the old Women's Championship belt a condition of her induction, and Rikishi not thanking his Too Cool buddy's Scotty 2 Hotty and Grand Master Sexay wasn't the only snub he made to his former partners, he told WWE he did not want either man to be allowed into the event. They did not attend. They reportedly had a falling out at an indy event, and Rikishi is still far from ready to forgive and forget, it seems.

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