Sunday, April 19, 2015

Today's News

Tazz reveals why he left TNA:

Tazz took to his podcast to clear up rumours about his TNA departure, highlights...

  • He says he asked for the release, and was not fired.
  • He says the company did not punish his no-show, and they understood his reasons.
  • He stated he was paid late, but has now received his cheques.
  • He says TNA apologised, but he treats wrestling as a business, and he didn't buy the reasons TNA gave him.
  • He denied being refused a pay rise.
  • He says he was going to leave at the end of his deal this summer anyway, as he wants to do new things.
  • He denied his dislike of co-announcer Josh Mathews was behind his decision, adding he wishes him well.
  • He denied trying to force TNA to re-hire Mike Tenay as his co-announcer.
  • He thanked officials, and urged fans to give TNA a break.

UFC vs Mayweather:

Dana White has added fuel to a boiling controversy currently going on between UFC stars and the one time WWE man. The UFC boss told TMZ every employee on the UFC books, including the ladies, could easily beat boxer Floyd Mayweather.

TNA backstage storm:

Shane Hurricane Helms is working as a road agent with TNA.

WWE sued again:

Doug Gilbert and his family are suing WWE for using the likenesses of him, and his late brother Eddie, without their consent. They claim use of them on the Network, DVD's and in books should have earned them compensation for the use of the images, and they want recompensing.

Most of Doug's matches are said to be from his ECW days, but WWE will counter that when they bought the rights to ECW, the video library came with it, and the suit should therefore be dismissed.

Regal receiving death threats:

William Regal is currently receiving threats of violence against himself and his family. The calls made to his home are coming from a hospital in Houston, Texas. Regal has called upon the hospital to find out who it is, and to take action.

Shawn wanted to jump ship:

Shawn Michaels has revealed he asked Vince McMahon to allow him to leave the WWF, and head, with his friends Razor Ramon and Diesel, to WCW in 1996. Vince refused, despite Shawn saying he was miserable and lonely, and HBK now acknowledges Vince was right, and he is glad he stayed.

Hogan fail:

Hulk Hogan has posted his personal phone number to his Twitter feed. He meant to send it to an actor friend as a personal message, but missed.

WWE Network:

Hulk Hogan's Rock 'N' Wrestling episodes have been added to the WWE channel, they will air on Mondays.

Jericho meets icon in toilet:

Chris Jericho met Yoko Ono in the mens bathroom, backstage at the Rock 'N' Roll Hall Of Fame last night. Yoko apparently does not like using the ladies room.

Daniel Bryan:

WWE have denied Daniel Bryan has a concussion, they say he is banged up, but do not know what the issue is at this stage.

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