Wednesday, March 30, 2022



Shane McMahon vs Seth Rollins may be back on. Shane is coming to WrestleMania. The match was on the long list early this year for Mania, but after Shane took a walk was dropped, it seems there is a chance it is back on, although it is still widely predicted to be Cody Rhodes that walks the aisle to meet Mr. Freakin' Rollins.


Undertaker has named Kane as his greatest rival...

''“But I am going to say probably the battles with Kane, I think. It was just, I think a storyline that people, whether you were a wrestling fan or you weren’t, you understood just because of sibling rivalries. And I think people identified with that,” he said. “And Kane was always such a physically dominant athlete, that he always brought the best out of me. So I am going to go with the Brothers Of Destruction.”

Sasha Banks talks quitting WWE:

Sasha Banks has discussed the mental health battle that led to her offering her resignation to WWE...

“I felt so sad every day and I didn’t know why. I had to take myself away from a situation and such a fast world where I had to stop and realize who Mercedes was and who Sasha Banks was. I had no time off. I never got to see myself, my family. I took that time to figure out what I loved besides wrestling.”

New shows:

DDP has announced a new show he will front called 'Change Or Die' a number of people will move into a house and DDP will try to help them make desperately needed changes to save themselves. Announced for series 1 are Brawl For All contestant Butterbean and WCW star Buff Bagwell.

Miro is currently in New York working on a pilot for a show called 'East New York'.

AEW reek of desperation:

Seth Rollins says AEW's constant references to WWE shows why they are not on WWE's level...

“They can do whatever they want, I find it very tacky and very low-brow, personally. I think it looks and reeks of desperation and I just don’t think it’s anything on our television show that we need to go there and talk down about those guys. They’re doing their thing, they’re doing it very well, we’re very happy for them, I am, at least, personally. Are they on our level? No, they’ve got a long way to go to catch up to us and that’s fine and they know that. They do things differently but for me, my perspective, it’s just a little step down for us to kind of use it as an insult. That’s my perspective on it but people may not share that opinion.”

KO follows Sami in sharing reason to stay with WWE:

“A big part of it, honestly, was that Vince McMahon made it pretty clear to me that he wanted me to stay. And, you know, I’ve been in WWE for seven years at this point. You know, I have a lot of friends everywhere else in wrestling, but there is a whole side of WWE that people don’t get to see, whether it’s the production crew, you know, the camera people, the stage manager, the creative team, all these people. They’re all very special people and you know, they’re a part of my family. My extended family now. My professional family, if you want to call it that. So that, those were all factors that, that, that led to me, you know, staying put, because Vince made it clear he wanted me to stay. It feels like my home and all those other people there that, you know, if I wasn’t there, I wouldn’t get to see anymore and that was just like, you know, it just seemed like the right move. That’s really all there is to it.”

Daniels fires Stunt:

Christopher Daniels has informed Marko Stunt that AEW has no interest in renewing his contract, which ends in May.

John Cena talks WWE:

“I miss it every day. Every single day, But I’ll be 45 on April 23rd, and I was very fortunate to make it as long as I did with only a minor list of injuries. Nothing that has changed the trajectory of my long term health. I’m strong, flexible, and in really good shape externally, internally. I think now, being a full-time touring performer might start to hit that point of diminishing returns, and I have to be realistic when I look at that.”

So, he is saying he is going to be doing what he hated The Rock for doing, during their feud and legit heat, being a movie star that comes back when he has something to promote.

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