Friday, March 25, 2022


New Legend:

The Hurricane has signed a WWE legends contract.

Hall Of Fame:

Shad Gaspard will receive the WWE HOF Warrior Award this year, for selflessly giving up his life to save his son's.


Triple H has confirmed he will never wrestle again during an emotional interview with ESPN today. After sharing the seriousness of his health issue, for the first time since his life was saved...

“I had viral pneumonia. My lungs were inflamed. and as the next couple of days went on and I got home it got increasingly worse and my wife saw some blood and stuff that I was coughing up. I went and got checked and I – it was coming from the viral pneumonia but I had fluid in my lungs. I had some fluid around my heart. So they followed up on it. Did an EKG and echo and everything and basically the way your heart pumps out 55-65% of your ejection fraction is a good number. I was at 30. and I got a quick text message saying, ‘Don’t take time. Pack a bag real quick, head to the emergency room. I’ll fill you in on the way. So by the time I got to the emergency room, my ejection fraction had gone down to 22. Which, I was in heart failure. Bad. By the next morning – as they figured that out that evening – by the next morning as they got the MRI done and they were sending me in for a heart cath my ejection fraction was down to 12. So I was nosediving and sort of at the one-yard line of where you want to be – or where you don’t want to be, really, for your family and your future. They tell you it’s 99%. (Chance of dying) It gets real. We have 3 young girls – 15, 13, 11. You know, suddenly I come home. I’m a little bit sick and their dad who’s strong always suddenly is in the hospital and I don’t know if they understood the consequences of it but there’s moments in there where – when they’re putting you out for stuff and you think, ‘Is this it?’ Do you – Do you wake up from this? That’s tough to swallow and makes you think.” 

...He told the sports channel that he could never risk stepping between the ropes again...

“I won’t – I would never wrestle again. First, I have a defibrillator in my chest. Which, it’s probably not a good idea for me to get zapped on live TV.”

The interview will air in full later in the week.

He is not the only legend we are losing... Fandango says he has decided to end his in ring career. He will fulfill his bookings over the next few months, and then stop.


RVD is filming a new movie in Baltimore.

Kofi recalls scariest night:

Kofi Kingston says seeing his friend Big E, injured was the worst moment of his career...

“It was easily the scariest night of my career, you know?. Obviously, the injury didn’t happen to me, but I was on the inside of the ring and I see – go for that, that spear that he does. Yeah, and he missed it and he was on the outside there and then him and Ridge go for that overhead suplex and I see them go up and it looked a little like, wonky, but I never saw the impact. So I didn’t really, I didn’t know, you know? I went over there and I was like, ‘oh okay, everything looks like. You know, he’s done and everything.’ And then the match goes on and after everything went down, Jess, the ref, was like, ‘yeah, I don’t know if E’s okay.’ And I was like, ‘what? Like what’s going on?’ And all of a sudden the paramedics and everything started coming out and yeah. It was just, really, really scary because it’s a reminder of how quick things can take a turn for the worst, you know? Everything that we do, every move that we execute, there’s always an element of danger to it and luckily, for the most part, we come out unscathed. But in those moments, literally looking at my brother in the face as the people are putting, the paramedics are putting the neck braces and everything on. They’re putting them on the stretcher. You know, it was very, very, very scary. Myself, Woods, and a bunch of the boys went to the hospital right after we were just waiting with like, the, like the COVID protocols, they don’t really let a whole lotta people inside the emergency room. So we’re literally outside, it’s raining, we’re outside the emergency room. We’re just waiting for like, word.”

Big Show returning to old gimic:

Big Show is to resume his 'Captain Insano' gimmick, famously portrayed by him in an Adam Sandler film, in the 90's, for AEW.

Get rowdy:

R-Truth is set to hold a concert at WrestleMania 38, and has released new music to coincide with his performance.

About damn time:

Mick Foley says it is about time WWE honoured his old rival Vader...

“In my opinion, it’s time. It’s time. It’s about damn time. I’m so happy for Leon’s Family and in a sense, I’m happy for myself too because whenever I asked about the WWE Hall of Fame and who should be in there, the number one name I gave, it used to be Chyna and Vader. Chyna’s in there now with DX. That’s another argument for another time if she should get in there on her own, but I always thought the most glaring omission was Vader. I don’t think he had the run he should’ve. It’s not a matter of thinking. I know he did not get the run he should’ve had in WWE. That was a case of the company trying to fix something that wasn’t broken.”

Booker T talks concerns with AEW spot:

“I do think the Darby Allin’s of the world, of course, they have to do a little bit more, and give a little bit more. Just because he’s not the biggest guy in the world. But when I look at Darby Allin, I say man, ‘this is talent. And I’ve got to think about taking care of my talent.’ I just think you can figure out a different way to get to a means to an end. Opposed to having Darby Allin injure himself to where he can’t do this. Me personally, of course, if thee would have been a spot, there would have been a reason why Darby Allin did that. It wouldn’t have been done just to be a spot. That’s something that we could definitely utilize. Not just for this week, next week, but probably next month, or the next three months. If Darby Allin comes back next week and he’s just Darby Allin coming down on the skateboard, that’s one of those things to where it was a moment that was missed, and they’ll probably never get it back.”

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