Friday, March 18, 2022


Del Rio returning to public eye:

Alberto Del Rio seems to be emerging from the maelstrom of controversy he has found himself in, in recent years. UFC are said to have offered him an announcer deal. He may debut this weekend.

Why Hall died:

X-Pac says he believes the lockdown and social isolation that came with it caused the death of his friend, Scott Hall...

“The pandemic did him in. It was hard enough for him as it was, but he was isolated in his house with no social interaction. He was down to 210 pounds. We called Dally (DDP) and he went over. It was really bad.”

Health scare:

Former ECW and TNA star Somon Diamond has suffered a mild stroke. He spent a few days in the hospital, but is now continuing his recovery at home.

New name:

Claudio Castagnoli, looks like he will be using an abbreviated version of his WWE name when he resumes his career, he has trademarked CSRO for use as his ring name.

Alum asks for Warrior Award to go to his late partner:

JTG has called on WWE to give the annual Warrior Award at this years Hall Of Fame, to his deceased former tag team partner, Shad Gaspard. Shad died saving the life of his young son, after he had been swept out to sea in a freak wave, he drowned rescuing his boy.

Tony Khan talk honouring ROH, while starting AEW crossoer era:

“In two weeks, it’ll be a very crowded Friday of wrestling,. I had not scheduled this pay-per-view, the Ring of Honor Supercard, but I really think that is important for me because they’ve sold tickets and made a commitment to the fans to still do the show. I see it as a transitional show in many ways, and I’m really excited about it because it is the first show under the new management, and it’s also a transition show before I will relaunch what I hope to be a really great, new Ring of Honor television product. A weekly series, wherever it does air or stream. This is a great opportunity to put our own stamp on it, but also pay respects to the great Ring of Honor traditions, and the great history of Ring of Honor with some of the top stars from recent Ring of Honor, and some of the great wrestler’s who’ve been in Ring of Honor historically. Am I gonna be able to take everybody from AEW and bring them there? No. But I think there is a very cool way to use some of the great wrestlers in AEW who are going to be available and make this a great show.”


X-Pac has torn his bicep, in his first match out of retirement.

Sanada of NJPW has a fractured orbital bone.


Titus O'Neil says he is not retired, but is still rehabbing a year old knee injury.

Kenny Omega is recovering from knee surgery, and plans to get more niggling issues fixed before coming back to AEW.

Punk to miss TV:

CM Punk is expected to miss some AEW TV time due to reprising his role on the show 'Heels' which is set to start filming it's second series in Georgia soon.

Marko Stunt:

Marko Stunt is still contracted to AEW until May, despite not attending recent tapings.

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