Tuesday, March 22, 2022



Bobby Lashley is WWE's preferred opponent for Omos at WrestleMania, if he can be cleared from injury in time. They are confident he will be. Expect Omos to go over, and start a monster push after Mania.

Gangrel says Vince McMahon is pissed he won:

Gangrel says Vince McMahon is furious that he won a long legal battle over his ring name, a battle the company had long given up on winning. He also recalled how the opportunity for him to get the rights came up...

“WWE brought me back to do an anniversary RAW or a battle royal, I did that, and then the next morning, again, boom, lawsuits from a different company. Then it went to court and the judge, he pretty much took the gavel and hammered down and said, ‘if I ever see this case again in court, everybody’s in trouble. The person that’s wrestling as Gangrel is Gangrel.’ Because Gangrel was a clan, not a vampire but a vampire clan, but whatever. I had to portray the character for all this time. But still, you couldn’t use it in certain ways, and WWE kind of abandoned all hope on that name, they just pressed it to the side. Somewhere in the process, there were some things that weren’t filled, and I ended up getting the rights to Gangrel. Its trademark is registered everywhere for sports entertainment, clothing lines, action figures, for whatever. I have it now, I have the trademark registry to Gangrel. I think stuff like that pisses Vince McMahon off personally and in a corporate sense. To avoid all of that, they just give people their own names, they just messed up on that one. They don’t want you to take what they’ve spent three years investing, which is kind of crappy on their part but it’s just business, and go somewhere else. They want you to have to go change your name. It’s just a business thing for them. I gotta stay on it and keep filing things.”

Taker remembers Scott Hall:

“Scott, we go way back. I went to Japan with Scott in 1988 or ’89, is where I met Scott. He kind of took me along and showed me the ropes, and it’s sad. Another one of our guys we’ve lost way too early. He was just a tremendous in-ring performer, he was really a top-flight guy. I hate it for him, I hate it for his family. It’s just another sad day in our industry.”

UFC star picked AEW over WWE :

Paige Van Zant says she had meetings with WWE, but ultimately decided AEW was the right home for her, as she transitions into a wrestling career.

Dead tired:

Undertaker has revealed he used to take catnaps backstage at WWE shows in caskets. KAYFABE LIVES!!!

Big E. shaken by doctors visit:

Big. E had been in remarkably good form in the wake of his neck breaking injury, he is not so jovial now. After visiting his doctor recently he says he had it clearly and unflinchingly spelt out to him, how serious his situation could have been. He was told he could have had a stroke, been paralysed, or even killed in the incident.

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